Park Se-ni's Practical Introductory Psychology, so that it really comes true as one wishes

7 chapters · 4 hours 53 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

I'm Sa-ni - Park Se-ni

  • You can also watch Part 2 of Park Se-ni on Youtube.

Do whatever you want

Don't you want to achieve it all?

“It's a challenge starting today”

“Let's achieve our goals for the new year”

“May this commitment and determination not change”

We pledge, resolve, and challenge many times a day and dozens of times a year. Then they collapse several times, fight with themselves, give up, and get frustrated.

People are always like that. They instinctively want to maintain homeostasis, and they're afraid of change. That's why it changes Psychological characteristics and laws must be used.

What is a failure and frustration

It's not just about my ability or my will.

Although the basic mechanisms by which the human mind and mind work are all the same, the root causes and ways in which these mechanisms are formed are all different. Because of individual psychological differences, we get different results from other processes even if we make the same effort.

If you really want to do what you want, you have to take a look at me at least once.

If what you have isn't enough, you can learn and learn again and make it your own. Then my will, my determination, and my heart will be strengthened. The small achievements and experiences gained during the course make you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Furthermore, they experience a sense of happiness with confidence and confidence in their own existence.

If you want your life and life to be a little happier and more enjoyable now, focus on just one of your hearts right now.

It is designed to explain how to focus, what to focus on, how to handle it, and how to use it in an easy and clear manner based on psychology, so that it can be applied directly from theory to practice.

Able to awaken my potential

This is Park Se-ni's practical psychology class.

In this class Focusing on myself and focusing on myself to bring about real changeThe curriculum was developed with an emphasis on.

Here are some psychological laws that can help you achieve your goals and commitments more easily, and help you understand them through examples. You can take an interest in your heart, heal yourself, learn core principles of psychology, and awaken your true potential.

Practical psychology?
I tried it myself.

Apply the laws of psychology to building a body

- 100 Day Miracle

After 17 years of dedicated work with psychology lectures and education, I began to exercise properly for the first time in my life around May of this year.

I learned about the mechanisms of our body, studied the principles of losing weight and building muscle, and based on that knowledge, I thoroughly followed the rules using my specialty “mentality” as a basic physical strength.

After all, according to the law

Because I try It's going to be

I realized once again that nothing, whether in body or mind, won't change if you try to follow the rules. It takes the right method, time, and sincerity to change the visible “body” right away, and even more so is our invisible “mind.”

Existing practical applied psychology classes and

Practical introductory psychology classes are different in this way.

The class I started earlier [Practical Applied Psychology] The class is a specialized training course on practical psychologyIt includes an overall content corresponding to an introduction to learning and a curriculum for in-depth exploration and application.

This time, the “Practical Introductory Class” is a version of the practical psychology liberal arts course, and you can experience practical psychology with a lighter mind than the first class., By using it from the smallest parts of life, we will experience great happiness and life satisfaction from small changes. It is a class where you can grow yourself to the next level by filling yourself with solid knowledge and experience, rather than just feeling better.

particularly A valuable experience that focuses on self-esteem, confidence, and time and commitment for yourself, and ultimately brings you closer to happiness and successIt's going to be.

What will change if I take this course?

✏️ Let me give you some examples of the positive consequences of psychological changes?

  • High income economic ability
  • Achievement of goals
  • Family happiness and relationship improvement
  • Promoting physical and mental health

✏️ These psychological factors will change positively.

  • euphoria
  • self-esteem
  • confident
  • Confidence
  • feeling of fullness
  • Satisfaction

All of these are things I have experienced firsthand as I have studied, embodied, and changed. My life is proof.

The changes I have experienced and enjoyed,

Now it's time to become your asset.

It's never difficult to change. You only need to do it according to the laws based on the right knowledge. Because I was ignorant about the characteristics of human psychology and the mental sphere It didn't go as well as I wanted, I couldn't figure out the cause of the failure properly, so I had no choice but to blame myself, and my confidence and self-esteem were lowered.

Once you know the exact mechanisms and methods, everyone can get better and change.

Not just economic success

You can be a strong person.

When I say success, I don't just mean financial success. From a psychological point of view, people with a sense of satisfaction, fullness, self-esteem, confidence, and happiness in life are really successful It's a person.

I believe that everyone has the right to be happy, and that they are fully capable of doing so. Because I'm an acid witness. I am confident that those who take this class will also experience positive experiences and changes in a variety of forms.

Who should listen to it?

  • Commitment Those who want to achieve their goals
  • Those who want to be happier than they are now
  • Those who want to improve their confidence and self-esteem
  • Those who want to make the most of their abilities
  • Those who want to relieve stress symptoms and become healthy
  • Those who want to understand me, heal, and grow
  • Those who are interested in psychology and want to use it practically

Park Se-ni's Practical Psychology Special Edition

  • Key psychological rules to help you achieve your goals and commitments more easily
  • The real reality of my heart that I need to know to improve my self-esteem and sense of happiness
  • Take a genuine interest in yourself, heal, learn core principles, and awaken your true self

In order to help those who are struggling to grow physically, mentally, economically, and even during difficult times, we have set a reasonable tuition fee so that you can meet Park Se-ni's class at the lowest price ever.

We hope to be able to reach out to many of you who are struggling.

We will support your happiness and success. Always cheer up. I'll see you in class.

Thank you

Class Kit · Coaching Session



Seni's Psychology

Seni's Psychology

Hallo With a name and belief to strengthen the country with strength, courage, and wisdom I'm Park Se-ni, a practicing psychology expert.

Seventeen years ago, in 2004, I created the first psychological education program in Korea at a famous college boarding school, and it greatly helped the lives of many students and clients.

Currently, he is sharing some content through the YouTube channel 'Park Se-ni Mind Coaching' and is getting a good response from subscribers, and he is also the mental coach of LPGA winner Kim Se-young Pro.

The most important things in your life are psychological 'knowledge' and 'mind control', and the ability to 'influence' the psychology of others. Put all of this together, in the end, life can change as much as you want depending on how powerful your mentals are, and hidden boulders only shine.

I believe psychology can change people's minds, thoughts, and lives. I believe that through applied psychology that can be lived, breathed, and understood in everyday life, not just a theory in books, anyone of all ages can live a better today, be a better person, and create a brilliant future. The biggest beneficiary of this education was myself. Because my life has completely changed. In addition, the changes and achievements of many trainees proved it.

I would like to share this knowledge so that many people can have the best mentality in a short time. Thank you very much.



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