
Product photography for shopping malls and social media: from production to detail pages

7 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Skills You’ll Learn

Detailed page planning and photo planning

Learn the basics of detailed page planning and learn how to make a photo plan.

Photographing products using natural light

Understand the characteristics of natural light
Learn how to set up a camera.

Using lighting to shoot

Learn the basics of how to use lighting and learn how to set commonly used lighting.

Product styling by category, such as food/electronics

Prepare your own accessories and learn styling tips.

Color Correction and Color Correction - Learn Photoshop Skills

Learn essential photoshop skills for photography, such as tinting and color correction.

Advanced skills often used, such as liquid shooting

Learn about frequently used advanced skills such as liquid photography and formulation.

이 사진 클래스는 '예쁜 사진'보다도 '매출을 올리는'사진을 찍는 법에 집중합니다.

▶ This photography class focuses on how to take photos that “generate sales” rather than “pretty photos.”

#1. An online shopping mall that started with ambition,

What if there is no change in sales?

Twenty-six. At an age where I didn't know anything, I left the company with only dreams and passion. And since anyone can get started with just a smartphone Start Rattling Smart StoreI did it.

But for some reason, it took quite a while for the first product to go on sale.

Did they bring in the wrong item?
Is the promotion method an issue?

I was getting tired of uploading products that didn't lead to sales. So I really seriously thought about it. Are my items not competitive? Am I totally incapable of doing business? I'm doing it.

#2 Online shopping mall and social media

The answer is the appeal of the product

Stop working hard”The difference between good people, my shopping mall, and my account”I've been thinking about. And the cause was much simpler than I thought. The cause “Photos that don't show the appeal of the product at all”It was in.

After all, what captivates consumers
An image that captures the appeal of the productIt's.

Sales change when you change photos!

Instead of just being in a hurry to upload product photos, I began to pay a little more attention to each photo. Then something really amazing began to happen. The product is the same, the price is the same, and the promotion method is the same Revenue is growing more and more.

The same was true for social media accounts. As I filled my feed with photos I paid a little more attention to, the number of followers that couldn't be filled no matter how hard I tried was growing. As the number of followers naturally increased, sales naturally increased. Through this, I learned one important fact.

Without looking at it in real life, In the online market where information about all products is grasped through 'photos', an area as important as product photosThe fact that there is no such thing.

The picture of the product is
Your products in the online marketplace
It's the biggest means of promotion.

Wait! Pretty pictures are long?

This lesson doesn't simply teach you how to take pretty pictures.

Together with the process of planning and organizing detailed pages Take a look and think together about what kind of product photos you need to take to convince consumers of your product.

I don't know anything about photography, what should I do?

This photo shoot is taught on the premise of using a DSLR or mirrorless camera. However, it also deals with mobile phone photography tips, and both DSLR and mirrorless users set the camera “for each photography environment and product type”Core values“I'll let you know.

Also, after boldly omitting the explanation of complex lighting principles How to arrange lighting by type I'll let you know just the key points

Photoshop retouching kit you can use right away -

And even how to make a GIF! Everything about Photoshop for detail pages

Among the endless functions of Photoshop, we will only tell you about the features you need for an “online shopping mall.”

We provide additional retouching kits and sources that can be used directly from the core secrets of photo retouching.

What you need to run a shopping mall
Entering every situation
I will teach you photoshop skills.
Now it's no longer in your shopping mall
You won't need a designer or photographer,

Final bonus: advanced photography skills

How to take advanced photos of glass, dramatic lighting, reflectors, etc.

주변환경이 그대로 반사되는 부분과 트레팔지로 빛이 투과되지만 반사가 차단된 부분

▶ The part where the surrounding environment is reflected as it is, and the part where light is transmitted by trepalge but the reflection is blocked

This class is for beginners in photography. But it would be a shame if it ended here! For those who have dealt with photography to some extent and are familiar with it, here are some advanced tips for product photography.

 까다로운 제품 촬영하는 법 (극적인 빛 연출│유리와 반사체)

▶ How to photograph difficult products (dramatic light direction│glass and reflector)

I can now take pictures like this!

This advanced course is a field that requires a certain level of knowledge about lighting. However, through my own selection of 'cool phototypes' — rather than learning difficult principles, 'The feeling of memorizing a formula! ' I'll show you how to take different types of photos with.

Your shopping mall and social media accounts

Now you can be as cool and beautiful as any brand.

And the effects can be seen through sales.

I didn't know anything about photography, so I'll share the skills I gained by running my own shopping mall and taking pictures of my own products ;-)

If you're ready to love the product, let's go take a picture now?

이 강의는 사진 전문가를 위한 강의가 아닙니다.

▶ This course is not for photography professionals.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

1:1 coaching directly from Lightbold Studio (1 session)

  • There are two coaching options offered by Studio Concret.
  • You can use it by selecting 1 of the two.

OPTION 1. 1:1 styling for each product taught directly at Studio Concret

[We will give students feedback on props and shooting concepts that can make their products stand out, and customized feedback on shooting conditions and lighting settings.]

  • You can ask questions about one product per coaching ticket. As for the question type, you can ask questions about props and shooting concepts/camera settings/shooting correction methods/directions for improving previously taken photos, detailed page configuration, etc.
  • We'll send you 250-300 character answers or photo guidelines for each question. If your answer becomes longer depending on the question, specify a consultation meeting time.
  • Since it is not possible to cover all the detailed products in the course, you can get detailed shooting advice about each product through coaching.
  • You can get detailed photography advice for a portfolio of works that aren't often covered in the course.

OPTION 2. Special Lecture on Offline Lighting for Studio Concrets

[Special lecture on offline lighting will be held. Learn more about the basics of lighting by importing your own products and directing them from lighting.]

  • Special lectures on offline lighting will be held near Seoul City Hall Station or at a studio complex in Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do.
  • Courses are scheduled according to the demand for offline special lecture coaching tickets. We plan to schedule evenings or weekends so that more students can come.
  • The course is for 5 students to listen together, and the total duration of the course is 2 hours
  • In the online course, you can learn about lighting production in detail offline, which was disappointing.

  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.

Class Curriculum1

Product photography for shopping malls and social media: from production to detail pages

Class details

Course started on January 20, 2021
Rookie Difficulty · Video 24 · Attached file 4
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hello, I'm glad to see you.

I'm Kim Young-ji, a photographer from product designer. I'm embarrassed to call myself a photographer because I've never learned photography professionally, but through many experiences, I've learned that “product photography,” and “for sales,” product photography is different from other portraits and landscape photos.

First of all, it is necessary to catch the characteristics of the product well. It is important to convey the mood of the product well, and especially in the case of the Internet, it is important to accurately capture the size and color so that there is no large gap when the consumer actually receives the item.

I work as a product designer, and I've done a lot of research on how to capture the characteristics of products I've designed when I photograph them myself. And actually Lost & Found Seoul (www.instagram com/lostandfound.seoulI run a selection shop called), and I really thought a lot about photography for sales!

Since I opened a selection shop and there were many requests for product photography from people around me, I also took several product shoots for smart stores as a freelancer. Now I was the only one who knew! ^^ I'll share all my tips =))



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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