
Creating an online class for beginners - Complete the planning and shooting of an online lecture in 2 hours!

6 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Check out what classmates have to say!

Skills You’ll Learn

How to design a class curriculum

A solid curriculum planning method and video composition method

How to start shooting right away with a smartphone

We'll show you how to skillfully shoot on your own.

Easy editing with KineMaster

I will show you how to easily edit iOS and Android without distinction.

Class purchase benefits,

Don't miss it!

PPT 파일을 구매자 전원에게 제공

We provide PPT files created by incorporating the experience of Class 101 PDs to all buyers.

Online course production,

You're still unfamiliar and perplexed, right?

The video was taken very hard, but when I watched it, it was full of mistakes and awkwardness. Are you not even able to shoot because you're worried about a sense of presence that can't be conveyed on video?

It's fine. We'll help you shoot a 15 minute video with confidence in just 2 hours.

This course is about AI creators

Class 101 will be held together.

김현욱 아나운서 모습을 크리에이터로 구현

The creator embodied the announcer Kim Hyun-wook, created with artificial intelligence. See during the course Creators with stable and professional pronunciation, intonation, and speech You can watch videos.

클래스101의 PD들이 경험들이 그대로 담겨있습니다.The experiences of Class 101 PDs are captured as they are.

Meet the planning, shooting, and editing know-how of Class 101 PDs that capture the concerns of Class 101 PDs who have built around 2,000 classes with various creators so far.

online content,

Are facial exposure and lots of followers important?

Don't you change your position and don't think our face comes up when we try to find information on multiple channels? It was something I needed, but the creator's low followers made it unnecessary? It probably wasn't.

Similarly, anyone can get started if they can only create market-appropriate information, well-organized content, and clean videos.

4 chapters in 2 hours

Let's learn all the know-how!

Check out the WELCOME video in advance!

📍 CHAPTER 01: Curriculum, Planning and Designing

커리큘럼, 기획 설계하기

  • Curriculum planning: I draw up a list of class candidates by linking popular categories to what I can do well.
  • Video structuring: Design in advance what kind of structure each image should have.

📍 CHAPTER 02: How to shoot

 촬영하는 방법

  • Shooting: Here are 5 tips on how to shoot with an iOS or Android smartphone. Nowadays, all smartphones support resolutions up to 4K, so you can make enough classes even with a smartphone.


 편집하는 방법

  • App : Edit the video based on the smartphone application “KineMaster”.
  • edits : Set subtitles, image quality, and ratio.

📍 CHAPTER 04: How to reduce trial and error

시행착오를 줄이는 방법

  • reviews : Let's find out what classes that can receive positive reviews from viewers have in common and what to look out for when it comes to negative feedback.
  • Final checklist : Here is a list of things to check, such as composition, sound quality, image quality, fonts, and spelling.
  • Cited materials: Learn about copyright precautions and copyright-free sites for materials necessary to enrich videos, such as music, books, videos, and photos.

special benefits,

Become a Class 101 creator!

For those who have taken this class, we will give you the opportunity to open a class directly in Class 101. Unlike traditional courses where you have to go beyond a certain demand survey, you can get your class out to the world faster!

(*Please check OTRO's lesson notes for details)

All of these benefits

Firmly press it down!

  1. A PPT containing the success formula of a popular creator
  2. Tips from Class 101 educational content PDs who participated in their own production/inspection
  3. Even a free pass that allows creators to apply regardless of the results of the demand survey!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

[Free offer] Listen to lectures and even get PDFs!

  • It is available to everyone who takes the course.

Class Curriculum1

Create an online class for beginners - complete online lesson planning and shooting in just 2 hours!

Class details

Course started on April 20, 2021
Rookie Difficulty · Video 15 · Attached file 6
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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