
How to create value of 1 million won per month with one of my stories

1 chapters · 31 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

1 Class Projects

It takes about 1 hour ~ hour(s) to complete each project.

  • eBooks

Hello! This is Ana's trip to Digital Nomader.

I designed the brand, promoted my other channels, and even sold e-books with one blog.

There are still a lot of people who find it difficult to watch YouTube, so even though I only promoted it on a blog, the revenue generated from only one smart store was about 1 million won per month.

 블로그 홍보, 스마트스트어 수익

▶ ︎ Blog promotion, smart store revenue

It's a good idea to certify profits, right?

The amount of e-books sold at 100% smart stores without any other sales is the same as above.

Also, the above is the “settlement amount”, not “revenue.” This is the amount minus all fees.

How do I find materials for writing e-books and my own content?

This is probably the most common question I've heard.

I told you to focus on [problem solving] and describe solutions that only I can come up with.

It's easy to say, and requires a lot of analytical skills and experience at first. This one-point lesson was created based on my own experience, and below is an early bird review of the lecture.:)

얼리버드 강의 수강생 후기 1얼리버드 강의 수강생 후기 2얼리버드 강의 수강생 후기 3

▶ ︎ Early Bird Course Student Reviews

Are there any easy examples? Is there anything that really comes close to finding my materials? For those who want to

Please pay attention to this part first.

If you are a person who has been around for a long time,

Targeting people who have been around for a long time

What problems can we help you solve?

Assuming content that can solve financial problems,

How can I refine my content?

“Wide target” “Anyone can relate to”

If you want to organize wording with content that “contains a single message”

I think you can try “Shopping for a week's worth of side dishes for 10,000 won”, right?

If I'm someone who has had puppies for a long time,

What kind of content can we target and provide?

There are probably many people who read this article who have been owners for at least a year.

What would you like to write?

As a novice dog owner, I'm talking about not being able to say that my dog is sick when it's sick

I'm always anxious, and I tend to keep an eye on it.

Targeting these novice dog owners (people like me would be targeted!)

Summarize the wording with [10 signs that dogs get sick when this happens]

Can you solve the problem and answer your questions about red light in dogs?

In this way, you can unravel your story with content.

People don't buy things.
Now is the time to buy value.

People don't buy books.

People buy problem solutions,

People buy my future as a problem solver,

Think of people as buying the current version of the author who solved the problem!

At the end of the day, you're not people who write essays.

To solve problems people want to solve

It's about talking about and selling information that only I can provide, my experiences.

That's the purpose of e-books!

The world of content is endless, so you can think and learn for yourself

I think content that is as good as it can be absorbed will be created.

Then, based on this content, I organized the lecture in a PPT. An e-book course where you listen and write right away with one-point lessons! I'll let you know.:)

Class Kit · Coaching Session





Hello, I'm Eum Chae-yeon, Ana's travel creator.

As I carefully considered what people were asking, the questions that came in to me were similar in resolution. Therefore, I created a book that explains the information I know by solving it well according to demand. When I want to do that, I renew it and sell e-books as an early bird on a site that is also useful for price adjustments.

This isn't the story of special people. I'll tell you all the ways I could have done even if I'm a very, very ordinary person.:) - However, the insight is exploding, so be sure to take notes and listen! -

아나의디노 웹사이트

아나의디노 웹사이트





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