
Analytics, predictive models, and even AWS automation! Salary boosting data scientist portfolio completed

8 chapters · 38 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Understanding data-related jobs

Know the characteristics of analysts, scientists, and engineers and find a job group that's right for you

Problem setting and project refinement

Learn how to turn real-world business issues into projects

Data analysis and predictive models

Find the right data analysis method for your project and the most appropriate forecasting model

Cloud services and automation

Automating project tasks using AWS

Data Scientist (Scientist) /Analyst
Practical class that explores the work cycle

  • What if I've learned all my skills as a data analyst/scientist, but I don't have enough portfolios to get a job? If you are an aspiring data scientist/analyst, create a portfolio necessary for employment.
  • Want to go one step further and upgrade from your current level? If I am currently working in a data-related job, I will work on a mid-level project to increase my salary and ransom.

Data scientist misconceptions

데이터 과학자는 예측 모델을 만드는 일만 한다?

▶ ︎ Do data scientists only create predictive models?

It's not. Generating predictive models is only one part of a data scientist's primary job. From problem definition for projects, data analysis, predictive model generation, and automation using cloud services. In practice, they are also responsible for all processes of data analysis.

Therefore, in order to become a “data scientist,” you need to be able to clearly understand what this job does. Through this class While looking at the process of developing an idea into a project, we look at the minimum coding skills required, how to analyze data, and how to automate this process using cloud services along with predictive models.

데이터 과학자는 어떤일을 하나요?

▶ ︎ What does a data scientist do?

A work-related portfolio completed as a project

데이터 과학자 실무 프로젝트

▶ ︎ Data Scientist Practical Project

💡 POINT 1. Understanding data science

데이터 과학 이해하기

To understand data science and find gaps, you must first be able to see the forest. We take a close look at each step from idea to project.

💡 POINT 2. Refining the project

프로젝트_의견 1프로젝트_의견 2프로젝트_의견 3

While creating a portfolio or starting a project, there will be many opinions. How should we gather these opinions and start the project?

💡 POINT 3. From data analysis to automation

데이터 분석부터 자동화

Data analysis, predictive models, automated pipelines, and even working smartly on all of this with Python coding! Here's everything you need to know. Use it for personal portfolios and projects.

💡 POINT 4. From signing up for AWS to implementing lambda

Just seeing how cloud services are used can change the way you look at a project. I'll tell you more about everything from signing up for Amazon Web Services to implementing the actual lambda service.

클래스를 꼭 들어야 하는 이유

▶ ︎ Why you must take a class

※ This course does not cover monetization. After taking a class and learning the content steadily, you can realize monetization by creating a website that conveys information using an API and posting advertisements.

Of the people who met me first

A collection of vivid reviews

생생한 후기 모음

Many people have already watched my videos and told me that statistics and data science are easily accessible and understandable. Reflecting the support of many people, I have prepared a class where I can incorporate all of my practical work.

To this class 1) For job-ready students, a portfolio essential for employment and turnover, 2) A project that can raise ransom for office workersWe'll help you become.

 이런 분들에게 추천합니다

▶ ︎ Recommended for people like this

크리에이터 경력

▶ ︎ Creator career



Data Scientist Jiyoung

Data Scientist Jiyoung

Nice to meet you. I'm Lee Ji-young and I work as a data scientist in Toronto, Canada.

What was I doing when I was thirty?

I majored in journalism and informatics in Korea and became interested in data analysis while working, so I re-entered the University of Toronto in Canada majoring in applied statistics. I was thirty years old, and I had a Python class in my first year, and that was my first encounter with Python. Even the word coding was unfamiliar to me, and for me who thought it was a literature course to the core and walked that path, it wasn't easy for native Koreans in Canada to study mathematics in English.

Can I follow the lessons? Can I graduate? Can I get a job? I spent a time filled with these moments of worry and worry.

I know better than anyone else about the frustration of studying and the frustration of a career path, so I started YouTube with the feeling that I wish I had watched it the day before. Since that was the beginning, I'm also writing a book about how to become a data scientist and what kind of work to do. I also had a great opportunity to teach in class 101 like this.

I would like to say to all of you who are feeling overwhelmed by listening to this lecture, there is a phrase I told myself when I spent time worrying and worrying.

You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche

I can say, “To conceive a dancing star, there must be chaos within.” If you feel overwhelmed or fearful in your heart, I think the moment will come when you will face the dancing stars soon. For those studying data science, we look forward to welcoming you with a full course to make it even a little less overwhelming.

• Ewha Womans University Faculty of Press and Information Studies

• University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Statistics

• Master of Applied Statistics from York University

• Current 5th year data scientist

통계학, 데이터 과학

통계학, 데이터 과학



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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