
Excel Introduction to Candlestick Chart (Stock, Bitcoin) Analysis Using Excel (Visual Basic) (1)

1 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Newt's class

[Introduction to Candlestick Chart (Stock, Bitcoin) Analysis Using Excel Excel (Visual Basic) (1)]


[Finding an automated Bitcoin trading model using Python & Excel (1)]


[Introduction to Candlestick Chart (Stock) Analysis Using Excel Excel (Visual Basic) (2)] (planned)

-Contents: eBest Securities, Kiwoom Securities Real-time stock price data Reading

[Introduction to Candlestick Chart (Stock) Analysis Using Excel Excel (Visual Basic) (3)] (planned)

-Description: Exploration/application process for finding trading points (automatic trading model) using a candle chart


[Introduction to Candlestick Chart (Stock, Bitcoin) Analysis Using Excel Excel (Visual Basic) (1)]

For those who have taken the course and are interested in trading (cryptocurrencies) such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, etc.

[Finding an automated Bitcoin trading model using Python & Excel (1)]

We recommend that you take the course.

'Excel Power Up'

Many people know and use Excel as a general accounting/accounting office tool. However, since Excel is used,

📌Powerful [Stock/Bitcoin analysis tool] just for you

It can become, and if you go further

📌Powerful just for me [[Stock and Bitcoin Automated Trading Robot]

It can also be.

“Chunri Road is just one step away...”

This class aims to make Excel your own powerful tool First stepIt's.

It is a preparation course for powering up Excel as a stock and Bitcoin analysis tool, and consists of the most basic content.

📍 A very simple explanation of Visual Basic (Visual Basic) for controlling Excel

  • Variables, Conditional Statements, and Cells in Excel

📍 Draw a Candle Chart (Candle Chart) in Excel

If you only learn the above two simple topics, you will have completed the first step towards 'Excel Power Up'.

We have covered only the minimum and simple rules that are essential so that even those who are new to computer programs can easily understand them.

There are at least a few simple rules, but even if you know these, you can take the first step in controlling Excel the way you want.

“With minimal tips,

Would you like to learn how to make Excel your own powerful analysis tool?”

Class Curriculum1

Introduction to Candlestick Chart (Stock, Bitcoin) Analysis Using Excel (Visual Basic) (1)

Class details

Course started on March 2, 2022
Rookie Difficulty · Video 1 · Attached file 2
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles





Using Python Bitcoin Futures (BTCUSDT) Automated Trading SystemIt operates.

(파이썬 자동매매코드 실행창)

We are committed to researching and operating automated trading from the stock market to current cryptocurrencies.

We will do our best to be a guide that can automatically analyze the movements of the stock and cryptocurrency markets through a computer program, find their own trading method, and furthermore, provide a little useful information to those interested in implementing an automated trading system.

Thank you



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
Disclaimer regarding Investment-Related Information
  • All investment-related information and materials the class conveys are strictly for informational purposes only. The company does not vouch for the accuracy or integrity of the information or materials provided by the class. Nor does it conduct such services as investment advisory and discretionary investment businesses that are prohibited by related laws and regulations.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801