
An introduction to natural language processing that can be applied in practice by both developers and non-developers

9 chapters · 4 hours 10 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Natural language processing

You think every job group needs it?

자연어처리 정의

▶ Definition of natural language processing

Natural language processing, which is an artificial intelligence field that studies languages with computers, and marketers/planners who are not in development jobs should also learn natural language processing?

Yes, that's right.

There is a huge amount of natural language (text) data in every field. Product introduction posts, reviews, blogs, etc.. Even the articles you're reading are single language data.

Wouldn't it be worth missing out on this myriad of data and not being able to make use of it? However, if you read all of these texts one by one to analyze them, it is impossible to classify them. In that case, the technology we can use Natural language processingIt's.

상품 평가, 시장 트렌드 키워드 찾기, 상품과 비슷한 다른 상품 찾기

▶ Evaluate products, search for trending keywords in the market, and find other products similar to the product

Therefore, natural language processing is a necessary competency not only for research purposes of development workers, but also for non-development jobs such as marketers and planners. I am convinced that if we can directly analyze vast amounts of data and derive insights, this will be a powerful weapon.

your mighty weapon,

Hanaburi AI will make it together.

Hallo This is Hanaburi AI, a 4th year AI developer for a medical startup. In the past, when I was working in the field of strategic planning, I fell in love with the appeal of data that I stumbled upon and majored in data science. I have a domain in both fields of planning and data science, and I'll show you the fastest way to get started with natural language processing.

  • Present) 4th year medical startup AI developer
  • Graduated from the University of Leeds, UK with a master's degree in data science
  • Published 2 papers from overseas conferences including AAAI Symposiums as lead author in the field of natural language processing
  • (Former) Kim & Chang Law Firm, E-Land Planning

수강생 후기

▶ Student reviews

After class
Two weapons you can definitely get

The first one.

Understanding the latest natural language processing fields

1. 한국어 자연어 데이터 실습 / 2. 최신 딥러닝 기술, BERT 학습

▶ 1. Korean Natural Language Data Practice/2. LATEST DEEP LEARNING TECHNOLOGY, BERT LEARNING

The second one.

Not limited to industries and positions

Practical application ability

1. 단어 빈도를 분석하여 트렌드 분석 / 2. 텍스트로 된 반응의 긍정/ 부정 확인- 감정 분석 / 3. 텍스트 기반의 유사도 분석

▶ 1. Analyze trends by analyzing word frequency/ 2. Confirmation of positive/negative responses in text- Sentiment analysis/ 3. Text-based similarity analysis

In order to develop practical application skills, we will perform practical examples of natural language processing so as not to be limited to a specific industry or position.

꽃부리AI의자연어처리 클래스는 무엇이 다른가요?

▶ What are the differences between Hanaburi AI's natural language processing classes?

이런 분들에게 추천합니다!

▶ I recommend it to people like this!

선수지식: 파이썬 기본 문법

▶ Player knowledge: Basic Python grammar



corolla flower AI

corolla flower AI

I'm a fourth-year artificial intelligence developer and I run Hanaburi AI YouTube.

I graduated from the University of Leeds in England with a master's degree in data science, and before my master's degree, I was a non-major planner. My main field in artificial intelligence is natural language processing (NLP), and I have published 2 papers as a hesitant author at overseas conferences such as the AAAI Symposium.

I also had the experience of teaching machine learning offline, and above all, I was a planner before AI development, so I can explain artificial intelligence in a language that both developers and non-developers can understand.



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