From a trowel to a real estate investor? The easiest way to invest in real estate to arrange your own home

6 chapters · 1 hours 15 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Amidst endless frustration,

A ray of light called “real estate” is coming.

I was born in a poor family, and I didn't have a part-time job where I didn't do everything from tutoring to hard work to earn tuition. Even after I became an office worker, it was difficult to escape reality with just a fixed salary.

I realized I needed to study real estate in order to move forward into a bigger world, and for two and a half years, I dedicated myself to studying real estate every day, on weekdays and weekends. In addition to studying theory, I went out of my office and looked at things Confidence in real estate has arisen.

If you have confidence in real estate

You too can change reality.

At first I doubted and doubted again and again. However, as I studied, I became convinced that real estate was the answer, and I bought my first house for 60 million won in seed money. Since then, I have continued to increase the scope of investment without neglecting real estate studies. As such, I am currently, It has owned more than 10 properties across the country, including Seoul, and achieved a net asset of 3 billion won in 4 years.

Can beginners follow along?

Yes, reviews prove it.

수강생 후기_1수강생 후기_2

▶ Student reviews_1, 2

The know-how I've learned over the past few years I generously packed it into one class. Just like those of you who have learned my know-how and tips and found great help in “arranging my home,” I hope you will put them into practice right after taking the class! Don't leave the dream of arranging your own home as a “dream” anymore.

From the basics of real estate for Burin

Even investment methods that can be used in practice!

I would recommend this class to these people! 📢

1. Real estate beginner who is new to real estate

2. Those who are still unsure about real estate

3. Non-residential people who dream of arranging their own home

4. Those who are preparing to start investing in real estate

5. Those who need Mindsetting (Mindsetting) for real estate

Eat your heart firmly

Get started right now!

Investment failure is much more common when an investment mindset is not in place than a lack of investment knowledge. Let go of the feeling of impatience and the feeling of not being able to do it now. Also, set the standard with confidence that is unshakable by the words of others.

Eat your heart out and join me in 2022, and get started right now!



Spoon changer

Spoon changer

The 101AI class is designed so that AI can conduct classes on behalf of creators who have content. Learn the know-how of creators who unravel their own know-how while doing the work they love right now.

Hallo I like real estate Spoons changer for an office worker in his 30s It's.

Born in a poor family,

When I was a university student, I didn't have a part-time job where I didn't do everything from tutoring to hard work.

That's how I lived without opening my hands at home and solving my own tuition and living expenses.

In addition, my parents have a life force and health like a weed that is very important in my life,

And it made me realize the need to study economics.

Being an office worker, I was able to live a normal life.

However, since I was a child, I sometimes had to say sorry to others if I didn't have money.

Because I felt my family could be treated unreasonably

I thought my salary alone wasn't enough.

I was looking for income other than salary Because it is stable and effectively called assets

I started studying real estate because I knew there was nothing like real estate.

It's a company that works a lot of overtime, but after work, I go to seminars and lectures,

On weekends, I studied at the library by studying real estate and renting an area of interest.

I felt confident about real estate, and I came up with my own standards.

Those studies provided a solid foundation for me today,

It laid the foundation for not being shaken,

It gave me the ability to selectively accept real estate content.

I continued to study real estate for two and a half years

I bought my first house by collecting 60 million won in seed money.

The first investment was difficult, but from the second time on, it progressed relatively easily.

Before I knew it, I owned more than 10 real estate properties all over the country, including Seoul

It achieved net assets of 3 billion in 4 years.

Also, by studying regulations and taxes, etc.

Buy and sell sales that can avoid acquisition tax, holding tax, and transfer tax,

We plan and operate loans so that they can be repaid within 3 to 4 years.

Even if I'm a “dirt cutlery worker,” I can do it if I feel like it.

In the meantime, I gathered my bad feelings, studied hard, and invested boldly.

The reason I was able to boldly invest using leverage with a loan

This is because I had confidence in the real estate market due to my study of real estate during that time.

Because of me, all of you have confidence in real estate

I earnestly hope to get out of the financial difficulties.

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
Disclaimer regarding Investment-Related Information
  • All investment-related information and materials the class conveys are strictly for informational purposes only. The company does not vouch for the accuracy or integrity of the information or materials provided by the class. Nor does it conduct such services as investment advisory and discretionary investment businesses that are prohibited by related laws and regulations.
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