Skills You’ll Learn
Class introduction
Lululemon ambassador, 10-year sports expert Learn directly from Young Bum about 'Home Crossfit Limelight'This is a class. Limelight is a popular center with Yeong-Bum as the head coach. If you want to try CrossFit Limelight but are afraid to go to the center alone, “Home CrossFit” where you can fully enjoy the benefits of CrossFit at home Limelight'Enjoy the class. I'll also share with you the exercise and diet know-how that Yeong-Bum directly consulted. Crossfit at home through an easy and focused program LimelightEnjoy the effects of!
Course effect
- An effective and fun crossfit at home Limelight You can experience the program.
- Crossfit for each part, step by step, from upper and lower body to abs Limelight You can learn.
- You can take everything from exercise to stretching for muscles, and the ultimate coaching diet know-how for health.
Recommended target
- crossfit Limelight Those who were curious about this and wanted to try it
- Those who are curious about the teaching know-how of Star Trainer Yeong-Bum
- Those who want to get exercise and diet know-how directly from a trainer
2 reasons why this class is special
❶ From a professional trainer even at home
“Home CrossFit” where you can learn Limelight '
I am currently the head coach of CrossFit Limelight, and I work as an ambassador for Lululemon Korea. I am a maintainer who maintains abs 365 days a year, and a dieter who has succeeded in losing weight by increasing muscle mass. If you want to gain muscle mass or have a healthy body, take the know-how I've gained from 10 years of trial and error!
❷ Step-by-Step Curriculum for Stamina to Grow
Starting with a self-diagnosis to find out my current state, I organized a step-by-step curriculum for the upper and lower body, core, etc. After fully mastering the basic postures that often come up through the basic movements chapter, and after taking classes with a repetitive week-long routine, you will feel that your physical strength is definitely improving.
- 1 kettlebell
- 1 set of 2 hexagonal dumbbells
- Melkin NBR Yoga Mat Standard 10mm
- Melkin EVA foam roller round 91 cm
📌 For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.
📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.
Class Curriculum1
Class details
Hello, I'm a 10th year crossfit trainer for a fun and healthy workout. Currently, he is the head coach of CrossFit Limelight and is working as an ambassador for Lululemon Korea.
I'd like to share with you the beneficial experiences I've had while exercising. It's hard to get started, but once you start exercising, you'll start to change small parts of your life! Exercise is essential! Exercise should last a lifetime, so start making small habits now!