
Nuri Course-related play with my first toy, LEGO DUPLO!

1 chapters · 11 minutes
Korean|Audio Korean

Check out what classmates have to say!

Stop playing “LEGO” building!

What 3-7 year olds can do

Link with various nuri courses

Let me introduce you to a zip-cock game

Did you find the last LEGO Duplo developmental play class useful?

In this class, infants and toddlers are taught the “Nuri Course”

What you can enjoy in conjunction with LEGO DUPLO

Let's take a look at a variety of ways to play with a house cock!


I'm Lee Min-joo, director of the Lee Min-joo Child Care Research Institute.

# About 150 contents on infant development and parenting

# Cumulative Views: Approximately 12 million

# Cumulative number of subscribers: 180,000

Currently, education for infants and toddlers is being carried out by kindergartens/nurseries across the country based on the revised Nuri Course, which is a national-level curriculum. The nuri course, which emphasizes <play-center> <play-center>, consists of 5 areas, and allows young children to freely play, enjoy, and learn according to their interests and interests. If you use LEGO at home, you can experience a wide range of development areas of Nuri Course.

Lego 'Open toys'That doesn't mean you play according to one fixed method

It's a toy that you can play with in a variety of ways.

In this class, I'll introduce all the various activities you can do with LEGO at home, such as compositional games, color games, pattern games, and arithmetic games!


#01 'Composition Play'

  • The process of putting and removing LEGO bricks where you want helps develop eye and hand coordination and fine motor skills

#02 'Role play (drama play) '

  • If you expand the configured space, extreme play can be achieved. Learn how to imitate situations and express them in extreme fun

#03 'Moving LEGO Bricks with Chopsticks'

  • Adjust the difficulty level according to the child's level of development and find tips for using chopstick play

#04 'Color Play'

  • It is important to help people experience colors and perceive colors naturally through vision that develops rapidly after birth and various games.


  • In addition to these, look for a total of 8 nuri-related games introduced in the video!



CLASS101 Kids

CLASS101 Kids

안녕하세요. 베스트셀러 저자이자 유튜브 채널을 운영하며 1200만뷰, 18만 명의 부모님들과 다양한 실전 육아 정보를 공유하고 있는 이민주 육아 상담소입니다. 하루 10분만 투자해서 우리 아이의 멋진 미래를 설계하세요. 세상 모든 부모와 아이들을 응원합니다.

"부모의 올바른 육아 지식이 아이의 똑똑하고 멋진 인생을 설계한다"

- 이민주 육아연구소 [소장]

- 민주선생님's 똑소리나는 육아 저자

- 전국 온&오프라인 강의

- 육아로 힘든 양육자 대상 개인 상담 및 단체 상담 진행

- 아이의 발달에 적합한 놀이, 놀이를 통한 학습 등 놀이코칭 진행

- 발달에 맞는 교구교재 개발연구

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