Learn about cocktails and a drunken home-tending life from an incumbent bartender

8 chapters · 4 hours 48 minutes
Korean|Audio Korean

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About the class

This is a hometending class taught by a current 5th year owner, bartender, and drinking YouTuber. I'll explain how to start with a recipe that's easy for anyone to follow. If you take a course with me, you too can become a professional hometender.

Course effect

  • You can learn from the basics, such as cocktail techniques, techniques, and classification.
  • You can learn about 70 different cocktail recipes and how to make them.

Recommended target

  • Sulin is interested in alcohol but doesn't know much
  • People who don't like alcoholic beverages that have a lot of flavor, such as soju or whiskey
  • People who want to immerse themselves in a diverse world of cocktails
  • People who want to do more professional hometending

Notes before taking the course

  • Please prepare the necessary tools for cocktail training in advance.
  • It's even better if you prepare a finished cocktail and snacks to eat.

What makes this class special

❶ Easy

We'll teach you everything from the ingredients to the recipe and how to make it so everyone can follow suit. We will take a firm grasp of the basics of cocktails and make your own cocktails after taking the course.

❷ Variety

You can make a total of 70 kinds of cocktails, from famous cocktails to soju, cocktails using beer, famous cocktails by country, and by base. In addition to the history of cocktails, you can enter the world of creatively whimsical cocktails by making various combinations.

❸ Special

The current owner, bartender and tuber, will share their know-how with you one by one. As a more professional hometender, you can present delicious and varied cocktails to friends, lovers, and parents. Once you're done, you can create your own signature cocktail.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

클래스에 필요한

준비물을 소개합니다.

1.올인원 키트

클래스에 필요한 준비물을 한 번에

조선바텐더 클래스 수강에 필요한 준비물을 한 번에 구매 가능한 키트 입니다.

  1. 표준형 칵데일 쉐이커 500ml
  2. SGS 플레인 틴&틴 보스턴 쉐이커
  3. SGS 엔틱 물방울 바스푼 300mm
  4. SGS 클래식 지거 30ml/45ml
  5. 표준형 스트레이너
  6. 블랙 스텐 머들러
  7. 커넥션 믹싱 글라스 625ml

🚚 ️배송 관련 안내 입니다.

  • 재고 수급 상황에 따라 키트 구성품은 다른 유사 제품으로 대체되어 출고될 수 있습니다.
  • 상품 불량 및 오배송 문의는 클래스101 고객센터로 문의바랍니다.





He is a drunkard who left a large company and spreads healthy and drunken drinking during the day, is a bartender who is the owner of a bar in Yeonnam-dong in the evening, and lives as a YouTuber 'Chosun bartender. '

나는 바텐더다

I became a bartender without even knowing it because I fell in love with having a drink and talking with people, and I became a YouTuber to introduce alcohol in a fun way to more people because this wasn't enough.

I'm better at informing others than I thought, so I write a book by Chaoju Technician and go to a vocational college. Being a bartender allows me to do a variety of things with just one job.

You too can become an N-jobber, and you can even seize new hobbies and opportunities to earn money by making cocktails with me.





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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801