1 chapters · 1 hours 14 minutes
Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Behind the scenes of Netflix's “Siren: Island of Fire” project

Listen to the story behind Netflix's “Siren: Island of Fire” project, which persuaded them to seize an opportunity with a project without references.

The current story of the people who make Next

It's 101 Now.

We invite experts in various fields to share inspirational and helpful career insights and rapidly changing career trends to many people.

*This content was played live and is a replay VOD offered as a subscriber benefit after the live show ends.

“Why are you making this program?”

“Siren: Island of Fire” is a police officer, firefighter, bodyguard, soldier, athlete, and stunt actor.

24 women form 6 teams for each job group and compete fiercely.

It's an intense survival reality series that takes place on a remote island.

Planning is persuasion.

Persuasion is always difficult the first time, and if you don't have a reference, that difficulty doubles.

From investors to performers, the thoughts of opponents who can't dare to predict,

A moment of persuasion that seems insurmountable,

If it crosses that barrier, the program evolves with wings.

Hoping that everyone will overcome this moment wisely

<Siren: Island of Planning> Let's begin.

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