
Increase Your Work Productivity! Guide to ChatGPT for Business Automation

2 chapters
Audio Korean

Automate tasks with chat GPT
3 Class Projects

It takes about 3 to 5 hours hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Planning~Advertisement image

  • Planning~Advertisement Video

  • XLS, PPT, XLS and PPT integration, web crawling

Skills You’ll Learn

Chat GPT task automation

You will practice task automation such as planning and PPT production, video CF and promotional copy production, and advertisement execution.

Chat GPT coding automation

We will practice coding automation from XLS data processing and processing to XLS and PPT integration and web crawling.

About the class

Work with your hands free, but leave work quickly!
Let's start automating work & coding with chat GPT?

Chat GPT, the way to get started is so easy.

Now is the time to learn how to use it smartly!

For all of you An all-in-one class for automating tasks with chat GPTI have prepared it.

Chat GPT is more than just a writing tool. It's a tool that makes efficient use of work time because it can do everything from project planning to PPT production, and image and video production for advertising promotion. In this class, I'll teach you how to use chat GPT by dividing it into parts 1 and 2.

Part 1 will cover business automation that can be done in one stop from planning to marketing, and part 2 will cover coding automation that can do everything from Python basics to crawling. I'll teach you all the secrets to working less and leaving work quickly.

📝 Part 1: Mastering work automation with chat GPT

If you work in planning, PR, or marketing, pay attention right now! I'll show you how to plan and execute projects using chat GPT. I'm going to try using chat GPT through 4 major exercises. We'll also show you how to use design tools such as MireCanvas and Vrew, so please follow along step by step.

▲ Practice of creating advertising images using chat GPT

Project planning and PPT production

First, you will decide on a project topic, write detailed content using chat GPT, and fill out a PPT.

Commercial promotion video CF production

Think about an advertising scenario and decide on a template that suits it. After that, I'll automatically create a video through processes such as text editing, video selection, and music selection.

Advertising promotion image, copy production

I'm also going to think about the composition and template for the advertisement image, and complete the promotional image through text editing.

Ad execution (YouTube)

Finally, you'll learn the process of setting up advertising content and paying for advertising on YouTube.

👩‍💻 Part 2: Practice coding automation with chat GPT

In Part 2, I'll show you how to go beyond automating tasks to automating coding. I'm going to try using chat GPT through a total of 5 exercises. We'll also show you how to link Python, Excel, and PPT, so don't miss it!

▲ Python command practice using chat GPT

Chat GPT coding automation setup

First, let's start the setup for coding. The process of verifying that preparations are correct is essential, right?

Chat GPT coding automation (Python)

I'm going to use Python, which can be said to be the basis of coding. At this time, I will use chat GPT to command automatic code generation. Let's practice whether the generated code runs well, whether there are any errors, and how to fix it.

XLS data processing and processing

Now let's use chat GPT to generate code to edit the contents of an Excel file. Run the generated code and check if it's actually reflected in the Excel file.

XLS and PPT integration

I'm planning to read the cell information in the Excel file and link it with the PPT slide. It will be possible to work on PPT even faster, right?

Internet data crawling

Finally, you will practice collecting, processing, and processing web crawl data. Web crawling is a process of collecting data by connecting to an Internet URL. At this time, we plan to automatically generate and execute code that commands crawling with chat GPT.

✅ The secret to making your work easier and faster!

Finish it off with an all-in-one guide to chat GPT automation!

Course effects

  • You can learn how to use chat GPT to efficiently shorten work hours.
  • It is possible to automate tasks in various fields such as planning, production, marketing, Excel, and web crawling.
  • You can also automate coding by learning how to issue Python commands with chat GPT.

Recommended target

  • People who consume a lot of mental energy in the field of planning and marketing
  • Those who want a way to do planning, PPT, promotion, marketing, and YouTube advertising with chat GPT
  • Those who need to process and process XLS data with chat GPT and read cell information from XLS files and link them with PPT slides
  • Those who want to easily and comfortably try everything from Python basics to web crawling with Chat GPT

What makes this class special

📌 Chat GPT+ work automation all-in-one course!

I will tell you the specific execution method of how to automate tasks with chat GPT. In this class, you can learn not only project planning, practice, but also Python basics and coding exercises. It's divided into 1 and 2 parts, so be sure to take it!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Chat GPT+ business automation all-in-one course!

챗GPT + 업무 자동화 All-in-one 강좌 !

Chat GPT+ business automation all-in-one course!

Web crawling of planning, advertising, marketing, Excel, PPT, and Internet data using chat GPT

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📩 The kit is subject to partial changes, and full information will be provided when changes occur.

Class Curriculum1

Increase Your Work Productivity! Guide to ChatGPT for Business Automation

Class details

August 25, 2023 수강 시작
Beginner Difficulty · Video 18 · Attached file 2
총 0 minutes
Korean voice


Vravo Coding

Vravo Coding

Hello, this is Vravo Coding.

챗GPT 디지털 마케팅 업무 자동화 강의 진행

Currently, artificial intelligence technologies such as chat GPT enable more efficient and faster work processing, and have tremendous potential to increase productivity through task automation. By using these technologies to automate parts of your work, you can focus more time and energy on more valuable work.

The reason for creating the Chat GPT business automation course is also due to the interest and demand of many people who want to effectively utilize artificial intelligence technology such as Chat GPT. We are Based on experience in the field of Internet marketing services and system design We have confirmed the possibility of using chat GPT in various fields of work and have created courses where you can easily and conveniently learn about it.

Through this course, learners can experience and learn automation in various business areas such as project planning, advertising video and image production, and coding automation using chat GPT. In particular, I want to be of great help to those who are interested in applying this to actual work.



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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