
White hat hacking, an introduction to web hacking for IT students and current developers!

12 chapters · 7 hours 36 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Hacking, you need it even more if you're a developer.

It's a pity that they keep getting hacked even if they shut down all of the internet recently engineerThere was. Also, not to mention individuals Businesses also have security breachesThe story sounds boring.

This shows that hiring security personnel isn't enough. Developers need to know security knowledge from the development stage, Unbreakable and robust developmentThis is possible.

The number of developers has increased?

Security is becoming more important!

개발자가 많아졌다? 보안 중요성이 커진다!

Mock hacking and vulnerability diagnosis parts There is always a high demand for manpower, but there is a shortage of supplyI will.

This is because, as you know, the entry barriers to web development and app development have completely broken down. School, gingang, tutoring, YouTube, etc. Accessibility to be a developerThis got so much better.

As the number of developers increases, as a result There will be more new web/app services coming out. This environment becomes an environment where bad hackers can play around. I have too many things to attack.

Hackers vs. developers

Bad hackers, called black hat hackers, delve into this point. In line with this, companies are looking for a lot of white-hat hackers for information security.

Even with the same hack, there is such a big gap depending on what purpose it is used for.

Web hacking classesis not a class about creating unethical blackhat hackers. More through hacking knowledge Developers who develop impenetrableIt is aimed at.

Everyone Developer jobsIf you are preparing or Incumbent developerIf you work as, when hackers know how to attack More robust programmingThis would be possible.

Developers who know security well!

That's why we opened a web hacking class.

📍 The web hacking class was held for these people.

  • Those who want to work in IT and security
  • Those who want to use hacking for the business/government in an ethical manner
  • Current developers who want to do more robust programming
  • White hat hacker, someone interested in mock hacking
  • Those who want to take the first step towards an IT career

I'll lower the entry barrier to information security.

The learning environment in the field of information security is poor compared to the development field. There aren't many schools, and it's hard to find courses that are easy to teach. So most of them try to be self-taught.

However, being self-taught is difficult. Even though I bought a web hacking book, a lot of difficult words came up and said, “What does this mean...” I wanted to, right? I know it all too well. I did that too.

The courage to head to the ground was great, but I spent a lot of time in inefficient ways. We will help you study effectively.

I won't use difficult words to teach hacking. through this class whosoever Learn easily and in a fun way, Getting started with web hacking naturallyI'll make it possible.

To help you get started in the security/hacking field
I will help you with all my passion and sincerity.

This is what you'll learn in a web hacking class.

📍 What is the web

  • Before getting into web hacking, What is the web It is necessary to clearly understand and move on.
  • As a person who also hates theory, as much as possible Easy and fast We make the web yours.

📍 Develop, directly attack, and defend web services

  • If you know your enemy and know yourself, you won't lose. The enemy would be a bad hacker. We White hat hackerIt is aimed at.
  • How to be a developer from a hacker's point of view programmingTo understand how to do this, I'm going to create my own web service.
  • And become a hacker yourself offensivesAfter that, defensiveI'm going to try it.

📍 Try a mock hack to improve your skills

  • Now that I know the characteristics of hackers, I can improve my abilities Try mock hackingI will.
  • Hacking is like math. Even if you learn the same thing How many problems do you try to solveAs a result, the difference in skill gap increases.
  • Since web hacking is illegal without a mutual agreement, how Legitimate mock hackingPerform prowessI'll let you know if it's possible to raise

I work in the information security team

Web hacker tomato.

첫 재직사 하나금융그룹에서 보안 업무를 수행하던 모습[Working on security work at Hana Financial Group, the first incumbent]

현 직장 우아한형제들(배달의민족) [Elegant Brothers in Current Workplace (People of Delivery)]

First job Hana Financial GroupIn, I was in charge of simulated hacking and vulnerability diagnosis work.

Currently Elegant Brothers (People of Delivery)We are carrying out various security tasks such as diagnostic script development, management solution development, and vulnerability diagnosis work.

All of you are mine Get started in security with a web hacking classPlease do it. This class is in the future employmentOf course, it helps, Skill improvementet Prove yourselfI hope it will lead to an opportunity to do it.

3rd year of offline courses on web hacking,

We have produced 12 jockey students.

 오프라인 강의 진행사진

[Photos of offline lectures]

offline 3 years I gave an introductory course on web hacking, and I had a teaching experience for 12 horsemen students.

In fact, not only students in the security field, but also many current developers came to take classes. Not to mention the satisfaction of the lecture, It helps the actual businesshas received a lot of feedback.

So many people were able to get an easy and fun introduction to web hacking and information security through my classes.

I built my career in web hacking.

You can do it too.

순서대로 Best of the Best, K-Shield, sGen Club 인증서

[Best of the Best, K-Shield, SGen Club Certificates in that order]

All three programs are not just contests where you can participate, they are programs that must be selected by competing with a large number of people.

I was selected to participate in all of the programs introduced above, and among them, I was able to advance to the 3rd contest (36 people) out of a total of 140 people in a program called Best of the Best.

모교 선린인터넷고등학교에서 Best of the Best 프로그램 설명회 진행[Best of the Best Program Information Session Held at My Alma Mater Sunrin Internet High School]

amsung SDS 주관 sGenClub에서 진행한 개발 프로젝트 발표회

[Development project presentation held by SGenClub hosted by Samsung SDS]

They pass on the experience of participating in information security competitions to juniors, and share their knowledge and skills by participating in presentations organized by companies.

Find various security vulnerabilities in companies and governments,

You can also win awards and honors.

한국인터넷진흥원에서 운영중인 취약점 신고포상제

[Vulnerability Report Reward System operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency]

네이버에서 운영중인 버그바운티 프로그램[Bug bounty program operated by Naver]

네이버 버그바운티 프로그램 2020 명예의 전당에 18번째로 등재

[Named 18th in the Naver Bug Bounty Program 2020 Hall of Fame]

Web hacking is basically illegal, but some Legally possible routesYou can discover and report web vulnerabilities through. (I'll let you know in class.)

I have been listed for the 18th time in the 2020 Naver Bug Bounty Program and received the Korea Internet & Security Agency Vulnerability Report Reward Program in 2019, and I am building my skills between business and government.

Things you must prepare before taking a web hacking course!

1. P.C

  • principally WindowsLectures will be conducted through, MacBookWe will prepare so that there is no hindrance to the progress even for those who use.
  • Storage capacity 20GB I need about it, Internet connectionPlease prepare.

2. Mindset

  • passions : It's the most important thing. Be sure to prepare your passion!
  • Ethical sense : Required. Hacking is a technique that must be handled carefully and ethically. Related to hacking Every action comes with responsibilityYou must keep this in mind when attending classes.

Programs used by the class

1. VMware Workstation Player (Windows users)

2. Virtual Box (MacBook users): DOWNX if you have Parallels

3. Ubuntu

4. Chrome

5. Edit This Cookie (Chrome extension)

6. BurpSuite

The class will teach you all about how to install the program.
Don't worry too much and feel free to take the course!

We'll see you in the web hacking class!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

👨🏻‍💻 Web hacker Tomato Direct 1:1 coaching (2 sessions)

  • You can ask a total of 3 questions per coaching ticket.
  • For each question, we will write an answer of around 250 characters and send it to you.
  • First, if you have questions about coding and web hacking exercises, we'll coach you.
  • Second, I will coach you when you have in-depth questions about the web and hacking theory.
  • Third, if you have any concerns about your career path in the information security field or hacking field, we will provide coaching.
  • Fourth, if you have questions about your future learning direction, we will coach you.
  • If you have any other questions related to the class, we will carefully coach you within the limits of your answers.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.





Creator Biography

  • Currently, the elegant brothers (people of delivery) belong to the infrastructure security team
  • Former member of Hana Financial Group (Hana Financial TI) IT Security Center
  • 4th year of offline 'web hacking' introductory training
  • Best of the Best (BoB) 4th 3rd Contest Entry and Completion
  • Completed the 4th ICT developer at Samsung SDS SGen Club
  • Completed the 5th term of the KISA Best Cyber Security Course (K-Shield)
  • Completed 2019 Typhoon Conference Recurrent Mobile Reversing and Reversing
  • Department of Convergence Security, Dongguk University
  • Department of Information and Communications, Sunrin Internet High School

Offline 'web hacking' class tutor

Introduction to web hacking course 4For a year Taught, and in the field of web hacking on this platform First classIt has become.

Up to now 12 horsemen I have completed the training. 2 of the traineesAfter the introductory course, I studied hard, Selected as the 8th BoBI achieved the goal of becoming.

class 101We would like to provide high-quality lectures to more people online.

Currently, the elegant brothers belong to the infrastructure security team

Currently, I am a member of the infrastructure security team of a company called Elegant Brothers, and I am in charge of developing scripts for simulated hacking and diagnosing vulnerabilities.

Former member of Hana Financial Group IT Security Center

I was a member of Hana Financial Group's IT Security Center of Hana Financial TI, and I was in charge of diagnosing vulnerabilities exclusively.

Entered and completed the 4th 3rd Best of the Best (BoB) Contest

They were selected by applying for the 4th term of the Next Generation Security Leader Training Program, BoB, and out of a total of 140 participants, only 36 entered and completed the 3rd contest.

Completed the 4th ICT developer at Samsung SDS SGen Club

I was selected as an ICT developer for the 4th edition of the SGen Club organized by Samsung SDS, and completed a total of 4 projects over 2 years: 1 web development project, 2 application development projects, and 1 Windows program development project using open source.

Completed the 5th term of the KISA Best Cybersecurity Course (K-Shield)

I was selected for K-Shield 5th, which is the most advanced cybersecurity training course organized by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), and completed a program on infringement response for about 1 year.

Completed 2019 Typhoon Conference OMRE

I completed and completed the Mobile Reversing and Attack (Mobile Reverse Analysis and Attack Method) program at the Typhoon Conference, an international conference held in Seoul in 2019.

Attended Dongguk University, Department of Convergence Security

Graduated from Sunrin Internet High School

After graduating from Sunrin Internet High School, he achieved achievements such as an on-campus digital media content competition, a global K-Startup's youngest finalist, and was featured in Money Today News.

If you want to become an information security expert or white hat hacker, we'll break the entry barrier.

Thank you

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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