
How to get more than a severance pay or motivation? Retirement pension guide for a leisurely old age

8 chapters · 5 hours 28 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Mind-setting to prepare for old age

Financial technology for my future, I'll tell you why I should start now

A realistic amount of money needed for old age

Realistically, let's use statistics to calculate how much you need each month for old age

Retirement pension simulation

Let's calculate a specific amount using a pension simulation created with Iruda Investment Day

The concept of pension (national pension, retirement pension, personal pension)

Let's study together what functions the National Pension, Retirement Pension, and Personal Pension have

How to use an IRP for a leisurely old age

I'll tell you more about how to invest in a personal retirement pension (IRP) along with a screen

How to save taxes with a pension

Let's learn more about IRP and pension savings credit benefits

The motive for the seat next to you is a retirement pension

You said you made a profit of 10%?

 퇴직연금 운용 방법별 수익률

▶ ︎ Yield for each retirement pension management method

How many employees actively managed retirement pensions in 2020 10.67% yieldI did it. On the other hand, employees who put their retirement pension into a reserve or savings product had a very poor yield of 1.68%.

In the 2020 data...
The 10% yield seems low?

당신의 퇴직연금 안녕하십니까

▶ ︎ How are you on your retirement pension

Recently, cases exceeding 15% have also occurred. Of course, it depends on the timing and method of operation, but more and more people are increasing their yield while using retirement pensions without our knowledge. Will you just move on after your retirement pension?

The thing called a retirement pension

Wasn't it just the money you get when you retire?

 3층 연금 보장 시스템

▶ ︎ 3-tier pension guarantee system

There is a triple pension that you must know to prepare for old age. It's a national pension, a retirement pension, and a personal pension. Of these three types, the least known pension, but one that employees must know is a “retirement pension.”

If you go to a company that applies a DC type retirement pension, you can invest with the retirement savings you have accumulated so far.

What is a retirement allowance
For the severance pay I can receive when I retire,
It's money the company earns

Workers can also use their retirement savings while they are in office. You can also invest your retirement savings in various places such as equity funds, bond-type funds, domestic ETFs, foreign ETFs, and deposits.

This system is already active in the US. In 2020, there was a significant increase in the number of millionaires in the US due to the retirement pension system represented by 401K.

After the downturn due to COVID-19, they made big profits by actively investing in retirement savings amid a booming stock market.

So right now,

I need to study retirement pensions

 퇴직연금 적립금 현황

▶ ︎ Status of retirement pension reserves

Retirement pensions, now you need to know! A retirement pension is an old age fund that you unknowingly accumulate during your working life. Depending on how you manage it, after 10, 20, or 30 years, your money for old age will show a huge difference.

※ Why should I start studying for a retirement pension now?

① The magic of benefits created by long-term investment

투자 기간에 따른 수익률

▶ ︎ Yield based on investment period

  • If you're interested in investing, you've probably heard of “The Magic of Compounding” at least once. It refers to a phenomenon where the investment principal increases rapidly as interest is attached not only to the principal but also to the interest.

  • The compound effect is maximized as the investment period increases. If you study retirement pensions early and actively manage them, you will be able to raise sufficient funds for old age more quickly.

② Mandatory introduction of retirement pensions for all companies from 2022

022년부터 모든 기업에서 퇴직연금을 의무 도입

  • Right now, starting next year, all companies must introduce mandatory retirement pensions. From 2022, even if the company has only one employee, the company must apply the retirement pension system.

  • The financial sector is already sharpening their swords to enter the growing retirement pension market. Studying retirement pensions is essential if you want to manage your old age funds with a strategy that suits you without being swayed by aggressive marketing!

In this class

What will I learn?

In this class, you'll learn:

① Mind-setting to prepare for old age

② A realistic amount of money required for old age

③ Simulation of old age funds that I don't have enough

④ The concept of pension (national pension, retirement pension, personal pension)

⑤ How to manage a retirement pension for a leisurely old age

⑥ How to save taxes with a pension

퇴직금 얼마나 받을 수 있을까?

▶ ︎ How much severance pay can I get?

For this class Apity and Iruda Investor Day have specially created a 'Retirement Pension Simulation'. You can also calculate the amount of your retirement pension benefits through simulation and make a pension management plan. I'll teach you more about how to use simulation in class!

I'll tell you about the retirement pension

This is Park Jin-young of Apity:)

저는 퇴직연금을 알려드릴 어피티의 박진영

Hello, I'm Park Jin-young, CEO of APT, who sends financial economics content to around 200,000 subscribers through the daily economics newsletter 'Money Letter' and YouTube channel 'UPPITY'.

The average life expectancy is getting longer, and new types of families, such as unmarried and cohabitation, are increasing. More and more people are building careers through turnover or creating various income pipelines rather than having a lifelong job.

As this uncertainty grows, “economic strength” becomes more important. If you can earn money with your own strength, protect that money, and be called in, you can stand up proudly without getting frustrated in any situation.

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In particular, the economic power of old age is even more important. Unlike now, the chances of making money through work are reduced. Therefore, many people emphasize “preparing for old age.”

That's why we need to study for a pension. The best way to prepare for old age is to clearly understand the concept and management method of pension on your own and use it according to your own standards and goals.

It's okay if you don't know the “kite” of your pension. From basic concepts of pensions to methods for managing pensions. Like Apity, I'll let you know in the easiest and most fun way in the world.

Just invest 4 hours! The “way to prepare for old age”, which seemed vague, will be more clearly visible. We'll meet you in class. Thank you

Class Kit · Coaching Session

This class does not have a separate kit (coaching ticket).





Hello! I'm Park Jin-young, CEO of APT, a money mate for millennial workers:)

We send financial economics content to around 200,000 subscribers through the daily economic newsletter “Money Letter” and the YouTube channel “UPPITY”.

I want to look far into life, but honestly, thinking about old age starts with a vague sense of anxiety. I have created a retirement pension course for 2030, where I want to turn this anxiety into productive energy.

It is said that from 2022, all workplaces should introduce a “retirement pension” system instead of a “severance pay” system. The fact is that if a company has introduced a DC retirement pension system, workers can invest while they are in office! DID YOU KNOW?

The easiest, most fun, and appy way in the world! From studying the basics of pensions to simulations that diagnose the current situation, to practical guides for pension management! If you work together one by one, you'll find yourself beginning to prepare for old age.

We'll meet you in class. Thank you

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