
Dog Fit's dog groomer Silver Tack tells me about self-grooming my dog!

8 chapters · 4 hours 9 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Relieves stress for my dog

Self-dog grooming class introduction

Population with dogs 10 million The era! More and more puppies are being raised, but not many people know how to properly care for them. Through this class, I I want to teach you how to take care of a dog and the basics of dog grooming. How to stay with your dog for a long time Clean and healthy It's about managing it!

You are here for my dog
What kind of management do you do?

Most dogs are stressed when they lose their hair. To reduce the stress caused by machines, tools, and noise, check the condition of the dog from the beginning, have time to wait, put scissors and a comb on the body, and let them vibrate. It's important to take time to practice without embarrassmentI will. Silver Tack, a business dog groomer, will show you step by step how to do dog grooming!

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Silver Tag

Silver Tag

Hello Dog groomer Silver Taek (Park Eun-taek)It's.

Currently working as a beauty judge for the Korea Dog Association and is located in Hongdae Dog Fit dog shopIt operates.

At first, I happened to work as a veterinary technician. Then I began to become more and more interested in dog grooming while helping the head of a veterinary clinic. Since then, I have been attending a beauty school, obtained a certificate, a school instructor, a shop manager, and now I run a dog shop and have taught many students who dream of being a dog groomer, and they take care of many dogs, and for each breed A different look, body type or MojilI am studying how to do beauty according to.

Finally, I got a chance to work in Seoul Vice President of Gangnam Dog Grooming SchoolI have been doing, and currently I'm running a dog fit dog shop in Hongdae. Korea Dog Association Grooming JuryIt is active as.

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