
The secret to a beautiful polling ride, Wannabe home pole dance


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10 chapters · 10 hours 47 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

I can do it even if I'm self-taught!

Wannabe pole dance

If you're reading this page right now, you're probably wondering whether to do pole dancing or not. I'll help you do it easily even if you're a self-taught student. Wouldn't it hurt when you first started? What should I do if I'm still powerless? We have prepared it for those who have a lot of worries.

For the fun of pole dancing

To be able to fall in love

In order to exercise for a long time? It must be absolutely fun! My family is amazed to see me hanging on a pole for 5 years, less than 100 meters up the back mountain. If you build confidence after making it a happy hobby, you'll be able to have fun with advanced technology.

Is it OK if I don't have muscle strength?
Doesn't it have to be flexible?

It's a question I've heard countless times, but I unconditionally said, “Yes!” I would like to say that.

You can only feel it online

The details of Pauling

On YouTube, I spent time learning only one technique. In this class Firmly grasp the details of the foundation that forms the basis of technology and proceed with step-by-step exercises that are getting more and more advancedI will.

  • I can't practice properly because I notice when I go outside.
  • I'm progressing so fast at the school that I don't have time to get into the details.
  • I don't know what to practice on my own.

Those who qualify for any of them must take Rehavel's class.

Q. Is it OK if it's difficult to install household poles?

Can I install poles at home? If it were to be installed, what would be a wise choice to choose? I'll show you the precautions before installation and the know-how to choose poles. It's okay if the installation is difficult. We'll also show you how to choose a rehearsal room near your home.

Same technique, different posture

From eye processing to fingertips

It's the same skill, but the teacher is elegant and I'm flimsy. It's The difference in detailsThat's right. You should pay attention to where to put it on, how to use your fingertips, your knees, your toes, your eyes, and the parts that handle your shoulders. If that's the case, we'll poll beautifully

I would like to let you know

STEP 1. Necessary parts for the technique - intensive warm-up

Pole dance is an exercise that requires intensive strength and flexibility. If you start by relaxing yourself enough, your skills will improve a little more.

STEP 2. Basic Actions -> Advanced Actions

If you have a solid foundation, you'll be able to succeed more easily when performing advanced moves. Once you learn one move, you'll also learn the upgrade action.

STEP 3. Cool down to keep your body cool

Have you ever had an experience where your body felt stiff the day after riding a pole? Cool down stretches are really important. You'll be able to maintain both strength and flexibility until a fresh finish until the next day.

Skill improvement

Pole dance challenge

I'll definitely try the challenge at the end of every chapter. Leave a beautiful combo video focusing on the skills you've learned. I'll watch your videos, give you feedback, and kindly answer how to practice. If you share it together, you can finish a pole dance that you would have given up if you had done it alone.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Required for the class

Here is an introduction to the kit.

1. All-in-one kit

This poleware set consists of a top that can be selected from 8 colors of the top of Pori 1 and 4 patterns of the top of the Mully top, and a bottom that can be selected from 8 colors of the Pori 1 pants.

  1. Porry's FALWARE Top (choose 1)

1. Porry's FALWARE Top (choose 1)

Please choose the color according to your taste and the size that suits your body from the two designs recommended by the creator of Rehavell.

  • Product name: Pori 1 Top
  • Color: gin navy/mint/powder pink/ivory/raspberry pink/mocha brown/deep purple/black
  • Size: S, M
  • Material: P 67% S 33%
  • Brand: Porys

  • Product name: Mully Top
  • Color: nude black/pink navy/ivory check/brown check
  • Size: S, M
  • Material: P 67% S 33%
  • Brand: Porriz (Porriz)


Please choose the color according to your taste and the size that suits your body from the 8 colors recommended by the creators of Rehavell.

  • Product name: Pori 1 Pants
  • Color: gin navy/mint/powder pink/ivory/raspberry pink/mocha brown/deep purple/black
  • Size: S, M
  • Material: P 67% S 33%
  • Brand: Porriz (Porriz)

Able to improve quality

This is an additional component.

1. Mully Top shoulder strap

This is a detachable shoulder strap on the Mully Top.

  • Mully Top shoulder strap (mocha brown/deep navy/black/ivory) choose 1

🚚 This is a shipping guide.

  • Depending on the availability of inventory, kit components may be shipped in place of other similar products.
  • For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.





In order to exercise for a long time? It must be absolutely fun! My family is amazed to see me hanging on a pole for 5 years, even less than 100 meters up the back mountain 😂

If you build confidence after making it a happy hobby, you'll be able to have fun with advanced technology. I'll tell you kindly and step by step so that you don't get bored and understand well:)

“Doesn't it have to be flexible?” , “Is it OK if I don't have muscle strength?” It's a question I've heard countless times, but I unconditionally said, “Yes! “:) If you join Rehavell, I will present you with a full range of lectures so that you can get all the details of awakening that are really easy, fun, and easy to miss! Let's get to know pole dance together and make a beautiful polling like a music box 💕

리하벨 유튜브

리하벨 유튜브

리하벨 인스타그램

리하벨 인스타그램

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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801