
How to learn English for application reading in 3 volumes: Magic Finger

6 chapters · 5 hours 26 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Catch up with native speakers in audiobooks

The ability to hear subtle differences in sounds and follow the same sound

Read English applications properly and vividly

By reading this book thoroughly, you develop the ability to read other books as well.

- I have taken courses in 9 countries around the world/

(UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, and Iran)

- 'From grade 3 elementary school students to adult students who speak 4 languages/

- Mom and son, mom and daughter listen together/



“How many English learning methods and classes have you been looking for?”

“And yet you're not comfortable listening and speaking?”

Please take just 3 minutes to read this article to the end.

If you're a smart person, you probably think this way.












D.D. Uh, I found it.”

English is actually easy. Because I learned easy things by twirling and twirling

Even though I learned English throughout my school years

I can't hear English, and it's hard to say a word.

“Did you read the original English text aloud correctly?”

The experience of reading with plenty of focus on sound!

I don't have that kind of experience, so it's as if English continues to be lacking

For some reason, I can't escape the feeling of being hungry.

So in various countries regardless of age or gender

With that thirst, in order to fully feel the power of this original reading

I think you've taken a class.

Through this class, you will develop “the ability to chew and eat an application.”

And just like you've learned in 9 countries, you'll learn how to learn English properly on your own.

I'm sure some of you who have read this far think this way.

YeahAre you so confident in teaching because of how well you teach?

I'm not so confident because I teach well The power of reading an English application correctlyThis is because it's so powerful, and I've experienced its power by teaching many students over the past 9 years.

Don't take my word for it, read the reviews of many students below.

* Adult student reviews

*Student student reviews

More reviews can be found at Muzis Café. (Naver Cafe Muzis School)



“English Ends with 3 Volumes”

I'm Marcus from Muzis School.

In the past, I also went around looking for many ways to study English.

I did a good job in the typical grammar-oriented test “only” in English.

I studied so hard at school for 9 years

Proficiency is enough to solve all reading comprehension and grammar problems

I was confident in English, but...


On my first trip to the US when I was 21 It will break horribly.

I can't forget the day I arrived at LAX (airport) on the first day of 2009 and went to a Hollywood hostel. I couldn't hear or speak a word properly.

I listen to English well and speak it well

I was confident in the 3 forms, 5 forms, relational pronouns, related adverbs, nouns, adjectives,

Sentence structure analysis.. Ha... me too. It didn't help.

And I make up my mind.

“I forgot everything I had learned before

I need to study English again as a language tool for communication again!”

That new method is

It was a sound-centered application.

  1. Sound center “I only hear what I can sound.”
  2. Tadok is the only way to learn English
  3. Building basic English skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and test English

And most importantly, you will learn how to build your own English skills through an application.

So let's solve them one by one.

1. First: Sound Center

There is an iron rule when it comes to listening. That is, “I only hear what I can make.” It's.

No matter how much you know the words and grammar, you won't be able to hear them unless you can make strong sentences (sounds) and fine pronunciations that are not found in Korean.

Therefore, it is very important to imitate the sound according to the native speaker's voice file of the audiobook, rather than the conglish pronunciation I know before.

Not only does the sound get strangely better when it sounds like that, but English begins to be understood intuitively. This is because it is the key to making the intensity, rhythm, and accent understood naturally.

That's why it's so important to hear the same sentence by sentence and read it aloud.

2. Second: “Tadok is not the best, but the only way to learn English.”

I'm sure everyone has heard this at least once.

A major who even received a doctorate degree in grammar and taught English as a second language

This is Professor Steven Klaasen, an American linguist.

"영어"를 빠르게 습득하는 유일한 방법

▶ The only way to learn “English” quickly

“Massive Competable Input”

It's not about learning “a huge amount of understandable input” that I enjoy Acquisition of contentIt can be obtained more effectively through. Among them, the most effective one is a book (original) rather than a video. This is because books come into contact with much more volume per unit of time than movies, and they are more linguistically imaginative.

And even than learning grammar, learning through Tadok allows you to speak English more naturally and accurately. This is because I came across and learned so many good, high-quality sentences through both books, so I couldn't enter the wrong grammar at all. You don't even know what's wrong.

And when I combine this with the application reading coaching of my 8 years of experience, it becomes not a real study, but a fun novel reading, and studying English becomes an extra.

수강생 후기_1

수강생 후기_2

▶ Student reviews_1, 2

3. Third: As you build up a solid foundation like this, English becomes easier.

Once my ears, mouth, and brain get used to the sounds and English puzzles spoken in class (I'd say it's English grammar, but the core English puzzles are drawn without grammatical terms), I can't help but feel that English is easy, and it's like learning English as if I learned Korean when I was a kid.

If you get used to sounds and English puzzles like that

It's strange not coming right into your head while listening and reading.

Is it true that students, no matter how many examples, really only sound this good?

I'm able to make this much sound, but it's probably strange that nothing comes in naturally.

  • Magic Finger Reading Recordings for Adult Students

  • Student Student Charlie and Chocolate Factory Reading Recording

This is how I can read and listen, and if I try to use it for my English speaking by reciting the good paragraphs of the application book little by little, I will be able to use 100% of the application as my own English nutrition, and if I absorb such a good book, I will be able to upgrade my English skills infinitely without having to continue looking for and listening to other English classes and teachers.

So this time I planned it together with Class 101 The first original reading class, Magic FingerLet me tell you about

• Course purpose

As the first of the three volumes, “Magic Finger” by Roald Dahl has a total of 4 chapters, one chapter a week, and it is about awakening the fun and power of original reading by reading all the sentences together with a focus on sound for 4 weeks.

• Course goals

You must receive sound feedback at least once, and do review reading and progress reading for each chapter focusing on sound. Be sure to listen to the lecture part after listening and reading aloud at least 5 times in sentence units.

Therefore, the most important goal of this class is to make my mouth and ears familiar with the sounds of the audiobook and all the English puzzles that appear in the book.

• Reading plans

Read aloud at least one volume of Magic Finger in the same sentence unit 10 times each, including review reading and progress reading, and even get feedback

리딩 플랜 (오디오북 문잔단위로 듣고 따라 소리내기 최소 5회)

▶ Reading plan (listen to the audiobook in steps and follow along at least 5 times)

• Materials provided during the course

  • If you purchase a course ticket only, 1 course ticket+ vocabulary card PDF+ Ch1 sound feedback
  • When purchasing a coaching package, course ticket+ vocabulary card PDF+ 3 Ch1/2/4 sound feedback+ 3 lesson content questions

***Currently, the coaching ticket can only be used once in the system. Therefore, when using a coaching ticket once, please include all 3 ch1/2/4 sound recording files and 3 class content questions! ***

  • If you take the course with a course ticket only: You must post one sound feedback session on the Muzis Cafe 101 class dedicated to the sound feedback board. https://cafe.naver.com/readoutengwithmarcus

  • If you take the course with a coaching ticket: you will receive a total of 3 voice feedback sessions (Ch1, 2, 4) and answers to class questions. In this case, please click on the class in [Class 101 App > My Page > My Class]! If you purchased a coaching ticket, you'll see a “Get Coaching” button in the upper right corner of every chapter of the class. You can ask questions together while uploading the recording.

***Currently, the coaching ticket can only be used once in the system. Therefore, when using a coaching ticket once, please include all 3 ch1/2/4 sound recording files and 3 class content questions! ***

You can get sound pronunciation feedback as follows:

  • You must print the vocabulary cards yourself and memorize them over and over again in the vocabulary box.
  • (The vocabulary card can be downloaded as an attachment to Ch1-1, the first lesson of Ch1. There are 7 cards in total, 2 for Ch1 to 3, and 1 for Ch4. When printing, be sure to flip over the short side to print on both sides.)
  • A vocabulary box doesn't have to be a fact; you can also assemble a plastic box or product container that has 5 or more spaces at home.)

• Expected effects after reading Magic Finger, the first application with Muzis

After memorizing sounds and words like this, you can read the reading part of the Magic Finger course from Ch1 to 4 according to the reading plan. Well, even though it's an original book, after reading that perfectly captures everything from the sounds that appear here to the English puzzles, the English will sound different and look different, just like the one in the review.

Also, you can complete the 2nd and 3rd applications alone or with me in another class. ^^

After reading about 3 volumes with a dense focus on sound, I can't help but not speak English because my mouth and ears get used to the sounds of the English language and almost all of the English puzzles not only in my head, but also in my mouth and ears.

After that, if you read the books you are interested in in your desired field to your heart's content, your English skills will continue to improve even more.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

1:1 coaching taught directly by Marcus

  • The coaching ticket consists of a total of one-time tickets.
  • Currently, the coaching ticket can only be used once in the system. Therefore, when using a coaching ticket once, please include all 3 ch1/2/4 sound recording files and 3 class content questions!
  • You can give 3 voice feedbacks and 3 questions per coaching ticket.
  • The book consists of a total of 4 chapters (Ch1, 2, 3, 4), and you can ask questions about the sound feedback of Ch1, Ch2, and Ch4, and any questions you may have when uploading each reading recording.

[Coaching rights]

1. Goals and expected effects

  • Improve your listening and reading skills by understanding how similar the pronunciation and intensity of your current reading is to that of an audiobook, and correcting your own sound by receiving feedback.
  • In addition to the sound, if you post a question about the course content, you can get immediate feedback.

2. How to use

  • There is a fixed chapter where you can get sound feedback. There are 3 chapters in total: Ch1, Ch2, and Ch4.
  • Each recording takes at least 7 minutes. You can also post any questions you may have while uploading the recording file.
  • We will provide text coaching with a total of around 300 characters.



Muzis Marcus

Muzis Marcus

“The whole is within the whole.”

Hi, I'm Marcus, CEO of Muzis School.

I loved grammar and thought it would be fun to analyze subjects, verbs, and forms, so I studied in a typical Korean way of teaching English.

Also, due to the lack of English skills for communication during a trip to the United States

It wasn't until I had a thoroughly humiliating experience

I started studying English for voice-oriented communication again.

And now I don't have to go through uncomfortable or inconvenient things in English,

It is a sound-oriented application reading class that asks many students to “English is easy and fun.” It made me feel a lot of surprise, so I came this far by accident until now.

I just want you to study like this once.


I hope you enjoy the original book once and for all. Then it's more fun than a movie, and you'll feel the appeal of having one more window to look at the world.



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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