The first step to getting a job at a large company as a fashion colorist [Basic]

10 chapters · 3 hours 55 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

What is a fashion colorist?

Understanding the types of colorists and the job of a fashion colorist

Characteristics of major fashion companies by professional department

Public debt process for fashion conglomerates, tips for selecting support brands to increase acceptance rates

Preparing for employment in a major fashion company

3 job specs for fashion colorists, how to check fashion colorist aptitude

How to write a resume & cover letter for a major fashion company

How to write a professional resume & cover letter for a fashion conglomerate

Fashion giant colorist practice

6 types of colorist practices for large fashion companies

Dreaming of being a fashion colorist for a large company

The only online class for job-ready students!대기업 패션 컬러리스트를 꿈꾸는 취업준비생을 위한 단 하나의 온라인 클래스

Dear many job-ready students striving to break through an average competition ratio of 100:1! No matter how much you looked, it was really difficult to find information about “fashion colorists”, right?

A few elite offline classes that cost a lot of money are burdensome, and we have prepared for you who can't give up on your dreams. This class incorporates the vivid practical experience of Color Faye, a mentor from a public debt colorist for a major fashion company in the 7th year, and the core know-how of consulting on public debt employment for a large fashion company.


대기업 패션 컬러리스트 취업하기 첫걸음Employment at a large fashion company has specificity that is different from a typical job in a large fashion company, so when preparing for a job at a large fashion company, it is important to know and prepare for accurate information above all else. I couldn't hear it anywhere Information on colorists from major fashion companieswith Employment know-howI will tell you about this in class 101.


No.1 Fashion Colorist & Textile Design Bank's

I'm Color Faye, the representative lecturer.

Seven years ago, I also remember preparing a bond for a large fashion company, and it was difficult to find the right information. A job at a fashion giant company has a different specificity than a typical job at a large company, but I went through a lot of trial and error because I didn't have a mentor to tell me what kind of skills I need to prepare to become a fashion colorist and what competencies are required in practice.

I created No.1 Fashion Colorist & Textile Design Bank for the purpose of cultivating excellent fashion colorists by providing accurate information about the industry to many aspiring fashion colorists and teaching them practical practices.

 목표 기업의 선배 디자이너에게 배워야합니다.

▶ ︎ You must learn from a senior designer at the target company.

If there's only one winning strategy for getting a job, I would say “interview with an incumbent.” If your goal is a large fashion company, especially if you dream of becoming a fashion colorist, I would advise you to meet a senior designer from the target company. The reason for this is that they are people who can teach “vivid practical processes” and “secrets of acceptance.”

I'll be your senior designer through this class. Solve all your questions about bonds for major fashion companies and the job of a fashion colorist with this class!

I need to listen to Color Faye's class

Three reasons!

1 ️ Opportunity to take a small number of elite courses at a reasonable price

클래스를 들어야하는 이유

클래스를 들어야하는 이유 2

After passing the fashion colorist bond for a large company, I have been consulting a small number of students on practical experience and acceptance strategies. The course fee was bound to be high because of the 1:1 offline coaching with plenty of content, including practical processes, resumes, cover letters, interviews, and portfolios. In order to help more students, we have created an online class on core employment courses for fashion giants that have been held offline for 7 years. A chance to meet millions of won classes at a reasonable price! Don't miss it.

2 ️ All-in-one for employment in large fashion companies

It contains the essential basics you need to know to get a job at a major fashion company.

  • Preparation for employment in a large fashion company (job selection, MD, designer job group, specs, aptitude verification method, etc.)
  • What colorists from major fashion companies do (analysis of seasonal color trends, seasonal color planning, etc.)
  • Curious about getting a job at a major fashion company (age limit? English grades? required specs?)
  • How to write a resume/cover letter for a major fashion company
  • Public debt interview format and special moves for fashion conglomerates

3 ️ A class with a high pass rate

Despite the high competition rate, these students passed through Color Faye's consulting. All of you get a job as a colorist at a major fashion company! You can definitely do it.

I recommend it to people like this!

  • A student who wants to get a job at a fashion giant but is overwhelmed by lack of information
  • Students interested in working as a fashion colorist
  • Fashion colorists who want to know about fashion colorist practices
  • I got a job, but it was overwhelming because I couldn't get a shooter fashion colorist

여러분의 길잡이가 되어드립니다

▶ ︎ I'll be your guide

As a senior colorist and teacher,
We will always support students who dream of becoming a fashion colorist.
Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 1:1 coaching directly from Color Faye

  • 1 coaching ticket per time tax Branch (3) QuestionYou can do it.
  • per question An answer of around 500 charactersI will fill it out and send it to you.
  • A coaching ticket is a system that helps you with questions if you have a difficult part while listening to a lecture.
  • If you have questions about the job and practice of a colorist at a large fashion company, a resume, cover letter, interview, etc., please ask in detail the many concerns you are experiencing We'll help you answer it.
  • In addition to this, if you personally want 1:1 coaching, we will help you to the extent that we can deliver answers.
  • Coaching answers are based on the date questions are received, and answers are provided sequentially. Responses can take up to 1 week.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📌 For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.



Color Faye

Color Faye


I'm Color Faye, CEO of Textile Design Bank.

A color designer from a major fashion company, the CEO of “Textile Design Bank”, a global textile design export brokerage platform, and a representative lecturer, who has been giving professional employment lectures for fashion conglomerates for 7 years, is Color Faye.

I run Naver Cafe, which has more than 400 members, and I consult students every year to get a job at the fashion company they want through lectures that gather my practical know-how.

We promise accurate information about fashion colorists from large companies that you couldn't hear anywhere else, and know-how to get a job at a large fashion company.


- Currently No.1 fashion colorist & textile design bank representative lecturer

- Former Hyundai Department Store Group Co., Ltd. Hanseom Trend Division Color Planning

- Former Kolon Industries Co., Ltd. Shukomma Boni Design Team

- Graduated from Hongik University College of Fine Arts in Textile Art and Fashion Design

- Complete the GCCP program at the University of British Columbia in Canada

- Holds a national colorist certificate





No.1 패션 컬러리스트 & 텍스타일 디자인 뱅크

No.1 패션 컬러리스트 & 텍스타일 디자인 뱅크

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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