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Skills You’ll Learn
Class introduction
Brands with 0 fans have a total advertising cost of around 100,000 won and 5000% or more Can you believe we've achieved funding? “Branding” and “Detailed Page Production Methodology” were the key secrets that created the cumulative funding of hundreds of millions of won.
▶ Daily cumulative donation amount
The detail page cannot be completed because there is only a “product”. A “branding planning” step must be carried out to inform customers about the value of our brand and deliver a consistent message. However, there are many people who miss this point. Abstract branding eventually leads to rebranding without a clear niche, and becomes an obstacle to entering the market properly. Therefore, we don't just do branding, but we also practice how to incorporate it into a detailed page.
In the class, you will learn detailed pages for brands linked to 'customer-brand-detail page'. We don't just do branding 1) The construction principle of the detail page, 2) the customer's inflow path to the detail page, 3) the core concept setting of the brand, 4) the process for persuading the purchaseLearn all of them.
Finally, you can gain advanced detailed page production skills along with solid branding through practical training <One-page brand planning book, detailed page planning plan, and detailed page works>.
Course effect
- You can learn about the process of selling products and how to structure a brand.
- You can learn how to structure detailed pages that stimulate the desire to buy.
- You can practice everything from planning a detailed brand page to actual design.
Recommended target
- Those who want to learn detailed page design/configuration tips for maximum effect at minimum cost
- The boss who just launched his own brand
- Those who want to learn basic knowledge about product sales and brand work
What makes this class special
① Total advertising costs around 100,000 won
The secret to making 5000% or more funding
A well-branded detail page creates a natural conversion without burning a lot of advertising costs. It's not the result of a “single stroke of luck.” Class 101 vividly reveals all the <detailed page production formula> for small brands established through several consultations.
▶ Funding success rate
② Limited-time events for classmates,
Detailed page free consulting
I don't want to be a 'good knowledge communicator', but a 'consultant who creates growth' with my classmates. Apply the <branding and detail page production formula> that has already generated sales growth for many brands. If you have questions that cannot be solved in class, we will help you grow through a 30-minute free consulting service.
▶ 30-minute free consulting service
③ Not only branding, but also purchasing!
Detailed page planning method to call customers
You can easily find materials on detailed page image creation just by searching, but it is difficult to find information explaining the principles of how to plan. In particular, it's hard to explain how to melt the value of a brand without a lot of experience. Therefore, there are many people who don't have a sense of how to structure the detail page every time they sell a new product.
However, as long as “clear branding” and “understanding of customers” are sufficient, the principles of detail pages are all the same. Learn everything from branding to customer analysis to detailed page planning methods through classes. Just follow them in order, and you'll naturally be able to complete your own detailed page.
This is Jae Young, the detailed page designer.
I have experience selling more than 200 types of products/services in various ways, including contract sales, crowdfunding, online store sales, and offline road shop sales. Based on that experience, I am currently conducting branding and detailed page consulting, and sharing information related to detailed pages at brunch.
Currently, I run a detailed page studio and listen to the concerns of various people. From companies listed on KOSDAQ to brands that are preparing their own brands step by step, we are building up more know-how and data.
We've prepared a course for applying the actual brand through a video format that's easier to follow.
It's not all about design, but “how to persuade”
Fewer than 10% of people have tried to sell directly while designing.
However, I am <consignment sales, brand product sales, online and offline sales, store (road shop) sales, and crowdfunding>. Through various sales experiences, I was able to confirm with results that “how to persuade” is more important than “how to decorate”.
I'll share all of this with you in class 101. Let's meet in class!
Other information
- NHN Commerce detail page consulting activities
- IT/Outstanding writing activities these days
- Seoul National University of Science and Technology Online Commerce Contents Lecture
- Mentoring activities for startups at Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Mentoring activities for crowdfunding business in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- Detailed page mentoring activities for small business owners in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- Gangdong-gu Craft Workshop Detailed Page Lecture
- Daejeon University Innopolis Startup Program Mentor Activity
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