Ethical management examples and execution models

7 chapters · 1 hours 47 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

What is good ethical decision making?

Learn examples of good ethical decisions and ethical failures

Ethical management-related issues

Learn recent issues related to ethical management at home and abroad

Ethical management-related systems

Learn about domestic and international system changes and trends related to ethical management

Ethical management cases and execution models

Learn ethical management practices and execution models

Learn the components of an ethical management system and encourage all employees to participate

The process of establishing an ethical management system within the company and cultivating basic knowledge such as the definition of ethical management, related issues, background, components necessary for ethical management, and major practices of domestic companies in order to induce all employees to participate in ethical management practices





Shin Ha-jun, Certified Public Accountant

•B.A. in Linguistics, Seoul National University College of Humanities

•Master of Finance Management, Seoul National University Business School

• Managing Director of Deloitte Anjin Accounting Corporation (1997-2017)

•Current) Accountant of Samdo Accounting Corporation

•Current: Certified Public Accountant Education Committee Member

•Current) Lecture on American Bar Program at Hallim University

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