
Perfect presentation from consultant McKinsey

6 chapters
Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

How to plan a presentation

How to plan a presentation for strong storytelling

slide design

How to create slides for each type suitable for presentation and report formats

Preparation exercises for a live presentation and tips for a live presentation

Preparation exercises for a live presentation, practical presentation tips, and how to deal with questions

BeginnerPrepared for [Presentation] This is a job lecture.

Through this course, you

- You can learn how the world's best consulting firms create materials.

- Learn how to plan for perfect storytelling and how to design slides that get the audience to action.

- Presentation preparation and practice methods that make a live presentation perfect! You can learn how to make a confident and perfect presentation in a live presentation and how to respond effectively to questions.

Learn something like this!

How to plan a presentation

presentation slide design

How to write data in a consulting company

How to use eye contact and gestures

How to prepare for a presentation

Effective presentation practices (e.g. time management, feedback, etc.)

How to deal with audience indifference

How to deal with questions from the audience

Let me introduce Perfect Presentation.

Seoul National University Graduated from the Department of Computer Science, a global consulting firm McKinsey Consultants Hometown: Isa

Cheil PlanningIt contains all the presentation know-how I learned from a brilliant career working at and from the Strategy Office of a major IT company

This is a must-attend course for all employees, students, and businessmen who are about to present.

Forget forced presentations and unconfident presentations.

Through this course, you can learn more about making a presentation that achieves your goals beyond a proud presentation and a confident presentation. Do you need good credits, high education, and investment? This can be achieved through Perfect Presentation.

What you'll learn in this course

* Presentation planning and slide design

- The real purpose of the presentation

- Storytelling techniques and storyline writing for targeted presentations

- Impressive introduction and finishing method

- Effective slide design methods and their principles

- Determination of the slide format based on the topic

- Various techniques for designing Zen format slides

- Various techniques for designing consulting (Consulting) format slides|

- How to write an effective chart

- A magic template guide that captures the structure of the slide

* Preparation of presentations/practice and practical presentation

- The 3 elements of a presentation and the essential items to prepare for the presentation

- Preparation that requires less preparation

- How to use eye contact and gestures

- How to manage presentation time, how to give feedback after presentation practice

- How to use the audience's indifference, and how to overcome the audience's indifference

- How to deal with each type of question

Perfect presentation series planning, slide design, preparation/practice, and actual presentation!

Course features

This course clearly explains the principles and principles of presentation, helps students understand the purpose and structure of a presentation, and presents a methodology that can be applied to a variety of topics.

By clearly pointing out the principles and rationale rather than in a form that is unconditionally followed,

Explain planning methods and slide design methodologies that can be applied to an immediate presentation environment

Learn how to prepare and practice presentations and practical presentation know-how.

Brief introduction for each section

Intro - Purpose of presentation: Let's discuss together the true purpose of difficult, unwilling, and forced presentations

Lesson 1-1. Storyline Writing: Learn about a strong, unbreakable storyline and how to tell a story

1-2 lessons. Storyline Writing Tool: Learn how to write the most effective storyline

Lessons 1-3. Introduction and finishing planning methods: Learn about the introduction and finishing planning methods that focus the audience's attention the most. We also provide a role-sharing guide that allows you to divide tasks by number of people

Lesson 2-1. Slide design - what's important: Learn why slide design exercises are important. Also, we will talk about common preconceptions and learn why the presenter should be the center of the presentation

Lesson 2-2. Types of slide designs and how to determine the design format: Learn about the types of slide designs and how to determine the design format

2-3 lessons. Slide design based on SIT principles: Learn about the concept of information simplification and the SIT (Single Information a Time) law

Lectures 2-4. How to use images: Learn all the processes of obtaining and placing actual images together

Lesson 2-5. Slide segmentation techniques: Learn about slide segmentation techniques and foldable techniques mainly used in consulting formats

Lessons 2-6. Tips for creating engaging slides: Learn the elements you need to know about slide design

Lessons 2-7. Subjectivization of graphs: Learn how to use objective data to convey your arguments impactfully to your audience

2-8 lessons. Magic Template Guide: Learn how to create a structure for consultation-style slides with the Magic Template Guide

Lesson 3-1. 3 elements of a presentation and essential preparation requirements: Learn about the 3 elements that make up a presentation and learn the essential preparations you must prepare for a successful presentation

Lesson 3-2. Prepare less: Less is more! Learn about the “preparation method that requires less preparation” to secure a presenter's degree of freedom

Lesson 4-1. How to use eye contact and gestures: Learn effective ways to practice the most difficult eye contact and gestures during presentations

Lesson 4-2. How to manage presentation time and give feedback: Learn how to effectively present too much or too little presentation time and how to give feedback on your presentation

Lesson 5-1. The cooking of audience indifference in live presentations: Learn how to get audiences who aren't really interested in your story to act as the presenter intended

Lesson 5-2. Practical presentation tips and how to deal with questions: Learn what to keep in mind during an actual presentation and how to deal with each type of question

🛠 Tools covered here

- In most cases, no separate tool is required, and the course content uses “Perfect Presentation Season 2” and “Perfect Slide Clinic with PowerPoint” as textbooks, so you can expect a higher learning effect by listening to them along with the book. To practice slide design, Microsoft's PowerPoint program (version 2010 or higher) is required.

Perfect presentation book link:http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/56826125?scode=032&OzSrank=1

Perfect Slide Clinic book link:http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/89232435?Acode=101

- All slides used in the lecture were created using the Microsoft PowerPoint program.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Expected questions QnA

Q. I'm completely new to presentations. Can I take the course?

A. Of course you can. Not only is it possible, but I highly recommend it. This is because if you adopt good habits step by step from the beginning, you can improve your skills more quickly

Q. I think I have some opinions about presentations. Do I need to listen?

A. Absolutely. The method you know right now may not be the best one. If you listen to the lectures, you can get even more upgraded skills than now. You know that the difference between luxury goods and ordinary items is the degree of perfection, right? This course makes a great you more perfect

Q. Is this course dealing directly with PowerPoint?

A. This course does not deal directly with PowerPoint. This is a course where you can learn general presentation theory and its principles. However, if you read the “Perfect Slide Clinic” book after listening to this course, you can also develop the ability to write all the slides that appear in the lecture using PowerPoint. (By the way, the Perfect Slide Clinic course will also be offered soon)

Q. What are the differences from other courses?

A. Explain clear definitions and principles. Despite the fact that presentations are really important, there are many lessons that are taught or taught based on experience and asked to be followed randomly without explaining the “why.” Most of them tell stories that don't reflect the reality of Korea at all or can't be used in company practice. Perfect Presentation lectures present differentiated solutions that can be applied to any current situation, whether you are a student, a businessman, or a workplace.

Instructor-related questions

• Please tell us what led you to start this course.

I hoped that more people would be able to easily acquire high-quality knowledge.

However, it was not easy to reach many people with books alone. There was so much content that some people gave up in the middle of reading it. I thought it would be easier for people to accept it if it was produced in a lecture format suited to the age of video.

• How did you become interested in this field?

When I was a student, I created a presentation study group at Seoul National University. I found out later that this club was the first presentation-related club in the country. I honed my skills with my seniors and juniors, tried a business on this topic, discovered areas I lacked while working as a consultant after that, and created knowledge that was completed to some extent. However, most of the books and lectures on the market did not reflect reality. Examples include lectures where an office worker unconditionally claims that the format is correct even though he can't present like Steve Jobs, or that just a pretty slide without a message is good. I wanted to provide lessons that were actually helpful and could be applied to our environment. I think this course can provide that value to you.

• What future goals do you want to achieve in this field?

I want to continue developing this field and become a person that everyone can remember as the best presentation expert in Korea.

Told by a knowledge sharer Tips for taking a course!

I recommend it to people like this!

- CEO of a startup who must face the examiner every time

- Students who are about to get a job and are about to do a PT interview

- College students who want to get an A+ from their professor

- Office workers who want to receive rave reviews from their superiors

- Businessmen and office workers who must receive a project

- Company executives who want to present like Steve Jobs

김재성의 썸네일Creator: Kim Jae-sung

After graduating from Seoul National University's Department of Computer Science, she worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Company (McKinsey & Company), a global management consulting firm. Currently, I am in charge of strategic work at a large IT company.

Books include “Perfect Presentation Season 2” (2017), “Perfect Slide Clinic with PowerPoint” (Acorn Publishing, 2020), “A Warm and Cool Story for You” (book publishing critic, 2022), “The Secret of People Who Do Well No Matter What They Do” (Book Publishing Review, 2021), “Super Work Skills ARTS” (Book Publishing Lee Sae, 2020), “The End of Action” (Annapurna, 2019), and Perfect Presentation (2012). “Perfect Presentation” has been adopted and used as a presentation textbook for employees of Samsung Electronics and Cheil Planning, and a number of universities in the metropolitan area.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Able to improve quality

We will introduce additional components.

1. [Book] Perfect Presentation Season 2

[Book introduction]

Presentation textbook adopted by Samsung Electronics! It is the first general presentation presentation in Korea, and it meticulously addresses all stages of the presentation (planning, slide design, preparation and practice, and actual presentation), and captures the latest trends and new rules of presentation. In particular, it helps readers who have never written consulting-style slides to easily create complex documents by providing a 'magic template guide' that allows them to easily create consulting-style slides.

[Detailed explanation]

  • Publication date: 2017/11/30
  • Number of pages: 460 pages
  • Weight: 1,102 grams
  • Size: 188*235*30mm
  • ISBN: 9791161750835


Part 1 Presentation Planning | There is no building without a framework in the world

Chapter 1. The importance of planning

  • Storytelling and storyline
  • Storytelling and storyline definition
  • Storyline Creation Step 1: Create a Tree Structure
  • Create a storyline Step 2: Create each slide
  • A selection of storyline creation tools and writing spaces
  • A selection of storyline creation tools
  • Choosing a writing instrument when writing a storyline
  • Choosing a space to write a storyline
  • Writing a storyline for the beginning and end: the 1+N+1 rule
  • Writing the introduction
  • How to write a final word

Chapter 2. Theme/person slide planning

  • Zen format and consulting format slides
  • Zen format slides
  • Consulting format Slide
  • Decide on a design format based on the topic
  • Multi-person presentation planning
  • At the end of Part 1

Part 2. Slide design | compete with visualization

Chapter 3. Presenter-centered slide design

  • Simplifying Information I? : Simplifying the types of information
  • Types and uses of articles

Chapter 4. Use of images

  • Intuitiveness of images
  • Basic principles of image selection
  • Image search methods and copyright
  • Reverse thought image search method
  • How to search using another language
  • copyrights
  • Selection and use of images
  • Placement of images: Use the 'direction of movement of the line of vision'
  • Placement of keywords

Chapter 5. Simplification of information Ⅱ: Simplifying the amount of information

  • Slide segmentation techniques
  • Slides are divided according to the direction of movement of the gaze
  • Implementation of slide segmentation through animation effects
  • Differential application of slide segmentation techniques on printable slides
  • Foldering techniques

Chapter 6. Tips for creating engaging slides

  • Use of templates
  • Use of the slide background
  • Choice of colors
  • The importance of color in business presentations
  • Color extraction method
  • Use of fonts
  • Subjectivization of graphs
  • Consulting style slide design: Using the Five Magic Template Guide
  • Finishing the second part of the slide design

Part 3. Preparation and practice | There is no royal road There is definitely a fast way

Chapter 7. Getting ready for a presentation

  • The 3 elements of a presentation
  • Secure freedom for presenters
  • Preparation tools for presenters
  • An essential tool for presentations
  • outfit
  • computers
  • presentation remote control
  • Presentation script
  • microphones
  • laser pointer

Chapter 8. Presentation exercises

  • Eye contact
  • Eye Contact Practice for 1 Person: Mirror Practice
  • Eye contact time
  • How to distribute attention according to the number of people
  • Gaze distribution for special audiences
  • Use of gestures
  • The basic principles of gestures
  • How to use the presentation remote
  • Stick to a fixed time
  • Triple-speed practice
  • Appreciating others' presentations
  • Seven guides for English presentations
  • Presentation evaluation plan
  • At the end of Part 3

Part 4. Live presentation | Cook the audience's indifference

Chapter 9. Audience's indifference

  • Preparation before the presentation begins
  • 10 minutes of magic
  • A different change of tone in audience analysis
  • Overcoming the subway effect: organizing audience positions
  • Tips for live presentations
  • The presenter's movements
  • Use language that the audience can understand
  • Getting Rid of Pointless Words: Silence Is the Answer
  • The importance of humor
  • Chasing the audience's drowsiness
  • Questions and how to deal with them
  • Basic principles of Q&A
  • Dealing with questions you don't know
  • Posture when answering
  • Dealing with unexpected situations
  • Compliance with allotted time
  • At the end of Part 4

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  • For inquiries about product defects and misdelivery, please contact Class 101 Customer Service.

Class Curriculum1

Perfect presentation from consultant McKinsey

Class details

Course started on February 28, 2023
Rookie Difficulty · Video 19 · Attached file 0
Korean voice
Korean Subtitles


Creator: Kim Jae-sung

After graduating from Seoul National University's Department of Computer Science, she worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Company (McKinsey & Company), a global management consulting firm. Currently, I am in charge of strategic work at a large IT company.

Books include “Perfect Presentation Season 2” (2017), “Perfect Slide Clinic with PowerPoint” (Acorn Publishing, 2020), “A Warm and Cool Story for You” (book publishing critic, 2022), “The Secret of People Who Do Well No Matter What They Do” (Book Publishing Review, 2021), “Super Work Skills ARTS” (Book Publishing Lee Sae, 2020), “The End of Action” (Annapurna, 2019), and Perfect Presentation (2012). “Perfect Presentation” has been adopted and used as a presentation textbook for employees of Samsung Electronics and Cheil Planning, and a number of universities in the metropolitan area.

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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