About the class
ADP's representative lecturer in class 101!
Taught Korea's first Python-based ADP skills
ADP problem solving class for <Desaramet>
The ADP (Data Analyst) exam isn't just an advantage of having an absolute amount of time to study. It must be preceded by <strategic test preparation> thinking about how to approach the questions and how to make the most of the test time.
This class is a practical preparation class for obtaining an ADP certification, and explains the 26 questions that were actually asked. We've included tips on everything from problem-solving skills to approaches, so learn a sense of practice by solving previous problems. You can get closer to passing the exam faster.
Course effect
- You can learn about recent trends and prepare for the ADP exam.
- You can efficiently manage 4 hours of test time and prepare for difficult tests.
- Those who pass the ADP exam can develop their ability to interpret data, starting with how they approach problems.
Recommended target
- Those who are preparing for ADP practical training for the first time
- Those who can't get the hang of ADP because it's difficult to get the hang of it
- Those who don't have enough time for the exam or who only feel that the exam is too difficult
Pre-course notes
- This class is basically taught on Python and Jupiter notebooks.
- If you have no basic knowledge of Python, it is recommended that you take Part 1 and 2 of the only ADP Practical Skills Class in Korea.
< Go to the ADP Practical Skills Class for Desa Ramen! >
- The only ADP practical class in Korea! How to prove Korea's top 3%
- The only ADP practical class in Korea Part 2! Statistical analysis and machine learning
What makes this class special
It is the only Python ADP practical class in Korea,
The only ADP problem solving class in Korea
The most important thing in preparing for a certification is to keep abreast of the latest writing trends and submission intentions. However, until now, there have been no lectures dealing with ADP issues. I'll tell you about passing strategies that match recent trends that no one else has been able to explain through multiple teaching experiences and exam analysis experiences.
데싸라면이 직접 답변해 주는
코칭권을 소개합니다
[1:1 텍스트 코칭권] 데싸라면 코칭
텍스트 코칭권 사용방법
- 코칭 1회당, 2가지의 질문을 하실 수 있습니다.
- 1개 질문에 대해 250자 내외 답변
- 아래 4가지 중 2가지 선택 후 질문
- 최대한 상세하게 질문을 주시면 더욱 정확한 답변이 가능합니다.
데싸라면의 코칭 방법
1. 실습 과제를 풀어 보신 후 직접 학습하신 데이터 분석에 대해 피드백 및 첨삭
- Pandas 데이터 전처리 방법
- 머신러닝 파라미터 튜닝 및 성능 개선
2. 다양한 공모전 수상 경력과 대기업 입사 경력으로, 대회 및 이력서 포토폴리오 첨삭 및 피드백
- 공장 생산관리에서 대기업 데이터 분석가로 전직한 경험과 현대자동차 해커톤 대회, 세종시 주택시장 분석 대회, 블록체인 대회 등 수상한 경험으로 도와드리겠습니다.
3. 대학원 및 진로 상담
- 28살 늦은 나이에 다니던 직장을 그만두고 무작정 데이터 분석을 공부함
- 파이썬 코드를 한 줄도 못 치던 비전공자가 데이터 분석 분야 대학원에 입학하고 전직까지 한 경험으로 대학원 진학 및 진로 상담을 해드리겠습니다.
- 분석 기술, 자격증 로드맵 기반으로 컨설팅 해드리겠습니다.
Q. 기초가 부족한데 어떤 것부터 공부해야 할까요?
Q. 비전공자인데 데이터 분석가를 할 수 있을까요?
Class Curriculum1
Class details
DS Ramen
Hello, this is Desa ramen.
I quit my job at age 29 and started random data analysis. Also, I got a job at the big company I wanted.
I passed the ADP exam while I was preparing to get a job with a new dream. When I was preparing for the exam, there wasn't enough information about practical skills, and there weren't any Python lessons or books.
In order to obtain ADP, I personally created and prepared a codebook, published the “Finishing with Python One Volume” book based on this, and I have personally taught many students to pass ADP.
It is a CLASS created after thinking a lot about ADP, and we will strategically help you obtain ADP in the shortest possible time.