The era of the fourth industrial revolution! Grab the platform


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최대 혜택가


월 0원

상품 할인 NaN%
1 chapters · 3 hours 22 minutes
Audio Korean

About the class

In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, a business revolution created by platforms! We look for new opportunities in examples of successful platform companies. It contains everything from what a platform really is, the basic theory and core concepts of platforms to how our company will utilize the platform, platform business strategies and future prospects.

Course effect

  • Find good platform business examples.
  • I can fully understand the platform business.

Recommended target

  • Anyone who wants to gain insight into the platform business
  • Employees and managers who want to apply platform business to our company

3 reasons why this class is special

The easiest way to understand platform business!

Everyone knows about the fourth industrial revolution and platforms, which have now become a hot topic in the management world, but it's not easy to understand exactly. This course explains platforms and platform businesses in an easy and concise manner to help them clearly understand and apply them.

Time to learn the platform's success strategies!

We'll walk you through business examples of successful platforms. What kind of building and engagement strategies did they achieve success? Let's take a look at platform strategies that will lead to a shortcut to success from now on.

Card news where you can see platform-related insights at a glance!

Topics you should think about at least once about platforms are provided in the form of card news at the end of the study. I hope it will be a great opportunity for those planning a platform business to gather key points or insights.





Yoon Sang-jin

| career

• CEO of Wide Planet Co., Ltd.

• CEO of Wide Communications

• Director of Platform Economics and Management Research Institute

| Book

• What is social commerce and how to use it (The Forest, 2011.02)

• Creating a power blog that communicates with 1 million visitors (Hanbit Media, 2011.05)

• What is a platform? (Hanbit Biz, 2012.06)

| Main Course Areas

• Platform business

• Social media marketing

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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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