Introduction to data science for marketers

6 chapters · 2 hours 53 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Using big data is now essential for marketers

Data analysis is a hot topic these days, but why is data so important?

This is because data is a trace left by customers while using the service.

Through data, it is possible to identify customer interests or trends in advance, select target customers for each digital advertising medium, differentiate messages, or show what customers are most interested in when they go online.

You can also become a marketing analyst or marketing data scientist by learning languages such as Python and R.

However, before that, as a marketer in the business, I recommend that you use this class to lay the foundation through basic information you need to know about big data.

I recommend it to people like this

What is big data and how to use it in marketingMarketers who want to know if they can do it

✅ Further in marketing planning and communication skills Add an understanding of data analysis methods and techniquesMarketer who wants to do it

Start your career as a marketing data scientistMarketer who wants to do it

Seamless collaboration with data scientistsMarketers who need this

Data science delivered from a marketer's point of view

I didn't start data science based on statistics or programming, How can data science be used from a marketing perspectiveI have been constantly thinking about and studying.

Therefore, this class contains my know-how from studying data science as a marketer rather than a developer or data scientist.

💡 From a marketer's point of view, I will tell you about the value of big data, how to use it, and how to actually analyze big data in the field of marketing.

How to properly use big data in practical marketing

It contains everything marketers need to know in the business to create business value through big data analysis.

✔ Getting started with data science

We will help you understand data sources, structures, and data analysis methods and processes in an easy-to-understand manner.

데이터 소스와 구조, 데이터 분석 방법과 프로세스

✔ Big data X marketing use cases

Learn about real-world examples of how marketers can use big data to plan or apply practices.

베노플로스- 겔 리포지셔닝 맵

▶ ︎ Venoflos- gel repotting map

✔ Introduction to data analysis solutions

We will introduce the latest examples of what solutions are used for each process of analyzing data, such as data preprocessing, analysis, and visualization.

데이터 전처리, 분석, 시각화 등 데이터를 분석

✔ Data analysis process

I'll teach you about the process of analyzing data in a marketing project, and actually experience a tool that doesn't require coding.

데이터 분석 프로세스

“It's like going to cooking school a few years to become a chef, but
How to become a customer who can go to an Italian restaurant and place an accurate order
I think a four-week Italian cooking course at the department store culture center is enough.”
(From “Big Data, a New Language to Read the World,” Professor Choo Joon Choo, Seoul National University)

의사 결정권자를 위한 데이터 사이언스 / 데이터 사이언티스트

▶ ︎ Data science for decision makers/data scientists

Just like if you go to an Italian restaurant and see a complicated menu name and know what the food is, you can place an order and wait in anticipation of the approximate taste you want

In order to create business value using big data, it is necessary to understand basic data analysis methods and processes so that you can tell exactly what you want from the beginning and know what kind of results you can expect.

I hope the Data Science Introductory Class for Marketers will be the beginning of your experience of creating value through big data analysis in your marketing business!



Kyunga Park

Kyunga Park

Hello, I'm Park Kyung Ah.

I started my career as a game marketer for a mobile game company, moved to a smartphone app environment, executed app marketing, learned mobile tracking tools, and transformed into a performance marketer. By chance, I moved to an advertising startup in the US due to the introduction of headquarters personnel and worked as a manager in Korea. I've experienced both marketing and advertising, and I've always been interested in marketing and advertising technology. Since then, I have established and operated my own agency to support domestic performance advertisements from US advertisers.

While studying data science by randomly learning Python as a challenge in a new field, I still have a lot to study, such as deep learning, SQL, etc., but one of the thoughts I've heard while studying data science is that marketers don't have to learn Python or R directly First of all, I wanted to understand big data and big data analysis and start using it in marketing work.

In addition to GA, mobile tracking tools, and in-app analysis tools, etc., the importance of using big data in work, real-time personalized recommendations, and personalized marketing is growing. I haven't started data science based on statistics or programming, but I'm thinking about how data science can be used from a marketing perspective, and I also want to explain it easily from the eyes of the market in the door and background marketers.

In addition to your marketing planning and communication skills Now add your ability to understand data and how to analyze it! I hope this course will be an opportunity for you to take your abilities to the next level.





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