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Self-design for creators & businesses (logos, business cards, posters, stickers)
Design | Juliette Kim
Branding design that creates work that satisfies clients with authentic infographics
Design | Studio Dasol
From character creation to brand launch with pictures drawn by me!
Design | youngretro
From CI/BI to package design, 13th year designer Shim So-yeon's practical brand design
Design | Simshow Design
Just the core! Cosmetics package design practices taught by a designer with 20 years of experience
Design | Inseo Lee
Introductory class on practical printing and package design to learn from planning
Design | dupper
Portfolio (photoshop, email) Editorial design (🏅 PDF option)
Design | dupper
Meet brands and art Visual design master classes
Design | Kyulee
Everything in the brand design process that captivates clients
Design | ohSeven
How to express beautiful Hangul in a variety of ways, conquer 21 Hangul logos
Design | withLOGO
-Learn with visuals and logic- Fascinate! It's transmitted! Design that Moves People (Introduction)
From design to printing, Shim So-yeon's practical editorial design
Design | Simshow Design
The World of Brand Design: Create Your Own Brand
Design | Kyulee
Design a fashion collection with a designer from FIT, a New York fashion school
Design | Fashion Designer JoN
Learning from an Incumbent New York Designer [Fashion Design 101]
Design | Fashion Designer JoN
Fashion design portfolio that enhances competitiveness and completeness
Design | Fashion Designer JoN
Directly from an active designer! The road to independence
Design | MAIKO
[101LIVE] Soyeon Shim | 13 Years’ Experience Brand Designer's Field Trend Review
Design | 101 Live
[101LIVE] Bloomingtale| How She Became the CEO of One of South Korea’s Most Popular Goods Companies
Design | 101 Live
[101LIVE] Dini | Career Path From Samsung Electronics Designer to Master Freelance Designer
Design | 101 Live