
Learning 3D Game Effects Design with Unity [Introduction]

8 chapters
English ยท Japanese ยท Korean|Audio Korean

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Creating game flowers and effects.

๐Ÿ“This is an example of a game effect. It's amazing, right?

You can also create these effects yourself. So that people who have never used the program can follow along, Beginner levelI'll let you know step by step according to.

If you've always wanted to learn about Unity, but were overwhelmed by the lack of a regular course, or were curious about production methods, I hope this class will give you a proper introduction to Unity and game effects.

Game effects that were difficult to access,

So that you can learn easily and quickly.

๐Ÿ“I think it's hard for everyone to learn 'game effects'.

In fact, at first it can feel difficult to access because you have to deal with particles and lots of programs.

So as not to lose the fun of game effects as much as possible, Tools and curriculum that are easy and quick to learnI configured it with.

The tool is accessible and relatively easy Unity (unity)I use, and the curriculum 4 fun examplesIt will proceed with. Above all else, this is so that you can take classes without losing interest, and that you can take up a job as a game effector in the future.

Why is Unity Engine so popular?

๐Ÿ“Unity, it's free for everyone.

When you make games as a hobby or want to make a job in game production/design, you will lose energy if you spend money from the preparation process.

Unity is free, and anyone can use it. That's why it's the most commonly used engine for creating mobile games.

This class Unity Engine, which is used a lot in the businessUse to conduct classes. It will be the best class for those who are thirsty because they haven't had a Unity class in the meantime, and for those who wanted to work as a game effector.

Through 4 effect examples

Learn the crafting method and enjoy the effects.

๐Ÿ“Blazing Fire, Shield, Black Hole, Sword

We'll show you how game effects are created through 4 examples. To make it easier to understand and follow, I'll also explain the features easily.

In the first example, it's just unity I will explain how to create an effect with just one. unrequited Live action sequence texturesI'm going to create a fire effect using.

After that, we will gradually add new programs. shader graphshield effect using, 3Ds MAXblack hole effects using, PhotoshopSword effects using are waiting for you.

From curriculum and usage to practical examples

I'll be kind enough to let you know.

๐Ÿ–ฅ How to install and set up Unity

You have to learn how to install it first, right? You'll learn how to set up an installation and UPR project using Unity HUB. And we'll create a โ€œrain effectโ€ by tasting the particles.

๐Ÿ”ฅ How to make a fire effect

You'll learn how to make a simple fire with particles using animated textures. You'll be able to follow along soon!

๐Ÿ”˜ How to make a shield effect

We'll use ShaderGraph to create a shield effect. You can also set it to affect characters as they pass by. This might be an opportunity to learn what a shader graph is.

โš›๏ธ How to make a black hole effect

You'll learn how to create effects using meshes. It's a method I use a lot in practice, and it allows me to do a lot of things.

โš”๏ธ How to make a sword effect

You'll learn how to create the most basic sword effect in the game. Here's a collection of what you've learned so far. Decorate the end nicely

๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Game Effector roadmap

Finally, I'll talk about how and what I should study in the future. Through this course, you can explore the path to becoming a game effector in the future.


I'm Arcado, a game effector.

๐Ÿ“<Arcado's Game Effects> This is Arcado running a channel.

Maybe you've already worked in the game industry Year 13It became.

I started as a 3D modeler, now Large company N company effectorI have created various game effects from 2D to VR projects, and have opened many games so far.

  • Let's all be the Dungeon King
  • KON
  • White Day VR, etc.

game effects,

Try it out for either a hobby or a job.

๐Ÿ“Why do we make game effects

At my first company, I did a lot of things other than game effects. After that, when I left the company, I had my own Exact positionI tried to catch it. So I chose the path of an Effector.

When dealing with effects Various programsYou will be able to experience, and there will be more opportunities to work with programmers. Also, the job of effector itself is in the game industry Precious positionsIt's also.

๐Ÿ“We look forward to your challenge!

It's really fun to learn new effects techniques and designs. I wish I could share this fun with you rather than just me.

We have created classes so that you can learn how to make game effects and have fun with other examples and a more specific curriculum that you couldn't find on YouTube before.

The beginning of Unity game effects design,

I'll see you in class.

User program guide

  • Unity 2019.4.1f1
  • Photoshop
  • 3Ds Max

Minimum requirements for using Unity

  • Operating system version - Windows 7 (Sp1+) and Windows 10, 64-bit versions only
  • CPUs - X64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support
  • Graphics API - GPUs supporting DX10, DX11, and DX12
  • Additional requirements - Drivers officially supported by the hardware vendor
Class Kit ยท Coaching Session

Class Curriculum1

Learning 3D Game Effects Design with Unity [Introduction]

Class details

Course started on November 11, 2020
Beginner Difficulty ยท Video 30 ยท Attached file 16
Korean voice
Korean ยท English ยท Japanese Subtitles




[Greetings and brief introduction]

๐Ÿ“Hallo This is Arcado.

Currently in the game industry, I started as a pro modeler in my 13th year, and now I work as an effector at Company N. I have participated in various effects production from 2D to VR projects, and opened a number of games.

I run a YouTube channel called Game Effects by Arcado, and I post courses and tech videos necessary for game effects beginners and beginners.


  • Let's all be the Dungeon King
  • KON
  • White Day VR, etc.

[How did you start working as a creator]

๐Ÿ“From modeler to effector

At first, I started as a 3D modeler and then came down to effects.

I did a lot of things like that at my first company. Among them, there was also an effects job. When I left my first company, I needed to get the right position. That's why I did the effect.

I chose this because I was able to access a variety of programs, and I was very interested in programming at the time, so I had many opportunities to interact with programmers. Also, the Effector was valuable.

๐Ÿ“I had a lot of trouble at first

While attending school, I worked with the students while helping each other a lot. It was really helpful to have someone next to me in the beginning.

Since then, I have continued to be an Effector, and as time goes by, there are more things I need to study and more things to do, and I feel that this is a really fun job.

The joy of learning a new skill or design is indescribable.

I hope that all of you will be able to enjoy the same joy by coming to Effector Path.

We'll see you in class!

Thank you



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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