
[November giveaway] ★ 3 times sales ★ 'Promotion methodology' that anyone can follow

11 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Check out what classmates have to say!

Skills You’ll Learn

A 'promotion methodology' that has never been seen anywhere else

Experience firsthand the methodology for organizing promotions in 5 different structures

3 secrets of content you can't buy

A reasonable human animal? I'll be adamant. It's not.

A promotional arsenal unique to our services

Properly create a promotional arsenal for the service you are running

A growing way of retrospective

A retrospective method for organizational growth rather than retrospective for retrospective

수강만족도 100%, 수강생 리뷰 ▶ ︎ Course satisfaction 100%, student reviews

만족도 100% 기념, 정가 7만원 프로모션 자료 무료

▶ ︎ 100% satisfaction celebration, free promotional materials at a regular price of 70,000 won

This class

If I introduce it in just one sentence

I've concentrated my 7th year of marketing know-how! It wasn't anywhere! The Most Powerful Business Weapon [Promotion Methodology] It's. Anyone can use it right away Take it with you as much as you like!

Hello 😄

I'm Gemma, who was the promotion manager for Class 101.

서버가 다운되는 프로모션 마케팅 기획 방법!

▶ ︎ Promotion marketing planning method where the server is down!

Learn, apply, and share ✨With the motto 7 years of crowdfunding · healthcare · finance · commerce · content platform I really grew up with my whole body on the ground in startups in various categories such as.

Promotion ✨

The most powerful way to solve any problem

Of course, most of the startups I worked for didn't have shooters,

Insufficient resources/Constant issues/Lack of experience within the organization In a situation ❛promotions❜ is above all Strong sales scale-up It is a tool for organizational growth The pivotal roleI did it.

프로모션으로 인한 매출 지표 압도적 상승

▶ ︎ Overwhelming increase in sales indicators due to promotions

프로모션으로 시스템 만들기

▶ ︎ Creating a system with promotions

🗣 Class 101

Testimonies from colleagues

클래스101 동료들의 증언

▶ ︎ Class 101 colleagues' testimonies

Maybe a promotion

Aren't you accessing it at a discount?


It's definitely not just a discount.

In this lesson, we will talk about promotions A completely different point of view Access it with 👀.

From customer inflow to conversion Design that path to be “promotion-oriented”The sun, An increase in the indicators we want, such as membership registration/sales, etc. that is at least 3 times higher than usualIt can be created.

✅ Promotions 5 types of purpose/justice+concept/benefits/touchpoints/user journeymapsunto Structured as

✅ Everything a user encounters content! 3 principles of content based on 'cognitive psychology' that you can't help but buy

✅ Actually living with these applied Vivid examples

✅ Only for students who can practice on their own promotional arsenal making

✅ In the process, teams and organizations How to grow while increasing scale and impact in the form of a purpose organization

✅ From a startup marketer Freedom from career anxieties and worriesA secret that could become

다양한 서비스 실제 개선 사례를 만나보세요 (콘텐츠 플랫폼/커머스/구독형서비스/AI투자)

▶ ︎ Meet examples of actual improvements to various services (content platform/commerce/subscription service/AI investment)

😎 Your own promotions

Let's make an arsenal for you!

Gemma's so that anyone can reproduce [promotional arsenal] I'll show you the template and how to properly fill out your arsenal!추천사

▶ ︎ Testimonials

Then we

Let's meet in class 🖐🏻

I'll prepare a “promotion methodology” that anyone can reproduce and is bound to sell!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

1:1 to Gemma

2 types of coaching tickets to receive coaching

The event will be held mainly for those who won the event until August, so there are not enough numbers.

☝🏻 1:1 zoom call meeting 2 hours (1 time)

  • Using Gemma's accumulated experience, we will provide customized feedback on promotions that have been carried out so far and feedback on future promotion plans.
  • In addition to this, coaching on growing retrospective methods and team structures tailored to each team and organization is also possible.
  • Consultation on startup marketer careers and salary tables is also available.
  • I recommend it to those who want fast, efficient, and customized coaching with one-point lessons!

✌🏻 Leave 2 questions and we'll answer them (1 time)

  • This is a coaching ticket for those who are burdened with face-to-face contact or who are comfortable receiving written coaching.
  • The coaching content is the same as above!
  • Please leave 2 questions in [My Class] - [Coaching Rights Mission] - [Get Coaching] - [Write]!
  • Your questions will be answered with sincerity and solutions on at least the size of a sheet of A4 paper.
  • Questions purchased after August 30 will be answered in October.

※ When using a coaching ticket

• Click [My Classes] on the Class101 web or app.

• Go to [My Class], go to [Coaching Ticket Mission] and click [Get Coaching].

• Please leave a question along with the file in [Write a post].

  • For the ZOOM video coaching ticket, we will leave a KakaoTalk ID to coordinate the schedule. If you chat with this ID, we'll arrange the schedule and send you a video link.

• If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.





✨ UX Promote Project Manager ✨

I believe in the synergy between intuition trained by experience and data, and I am constantly running to grow my life.

[Main history]

▪ Nomad UX Promote PM

▪ class 101, Promotion & Campaign Lead

▪ Online/offline accessories commerce wimbling, Growth Marketing Lead

▪ P2P finance. Product Owner & Marketer

▪ Healthcare service platform Gooddoc, content platform lead

▪ Crowdfunding U-CAN Funding, Project Manager

[Featured Lectures and Training]

  • 202.07 Innisfree Inc. In-house data (using Google Analytics) training
  • 202.07 Paywork Co., Ltd. In-house promotion methodology and PMF derivation project
  • 2021.07 Celimax Co., Ltd. In-house promotion methodology training
  • 202.07 OPINNO Co., Ltd. In-house promotion methodology training
  • 202.07 Code It Co., Ltd. In-house promotion methodology training
  • 202.07 Fount Co., Ltd. In-house promotion methodology training
  • 202.06 Infrastructure Co., Ltd. In-house data framework training
  • 2021.01 Monthly marketing lecture hosted by a young marketer
  • 2020 - 2021 GROW SCHOOL CO., LTD.( Lecture on “Promotion = Comprehensive Cold Medicine for Startups”
  • 2020. 06 - 08 Amorepacific Co., Ltd. Ranked #1 in overall marketing training satisfaction

[Featured Articles and Interviews]

2021.02 Startup Marketers Meeting [Young Marketer] Speaker Related Articles

“Current Affairs Daily” Completion of the first monthly meeting of the new year with young marketers and newcomers to society

2020.12 Class 101 Big Promotion Reward Expedition General Lead Related Articles

Class 101 Launches '2020 Reward Expedition' Promotion

2020.06 Growth School ( Academy) Interview

What is the secret to a promotion that doubles sales? /Interview with PM Shin Ju-hye (Gemma), who specializes in promotions

2015.07 Gooddoc viral marketing campaign lead related articles

“Aphrodisiac presidential election” poster, I found out the identity



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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