
Clear Your Mind Reset Meditation

1 chapters
Audio Korean

About the class

From waking up in the morning until the end of the day, we live our day being greeted with countless amounts of information. The reason I feel heavy and my head is complicated on my way home from work is probably because my mind is still hard to get out of there. It's not easy to clear my thoughts all at once. This is because the thought circuit created in my life until now is thick.

When you think a lot, your energy weakens, and your ability to concentrate decreases. To clear your head, Relieves stiff neck muscles and promotes circulation It's also important. When it becomes a cycle, you can experience a new flow of energy, and that experience will add fresh and light vitality to your daily life.

🧘‍♂️ Through this class, small changes that break through gaps in thought will occur, and you can experience how those small changes gradually grow and begin to change in your life.

[Movement] 1 set of gymnastics (5 minutes) — relax

[Breathing] 2 sets of gymnastics (5 minutes) — increase circulation significantly

[Ritual] 3 sets of gymnastics (5 minutes) — deep feeling and control

[Mind emptying meditation] 5 minutes — Give your brain a fresh experience to stop thinking

Course effect

  • It relaxes and circulates the muscles in the neck area so that you can clear your head, which is dizzy due to headaches.
  • It is a typical meditation method of brain meditation that supplies sufficient oxygen to the brain and allows you to release thoughts and emotions.

Recommended target

  • Those who have a complicated mind and want to clear it
  • Meditation beginner

Class Curriculum1

Clear Thoughts Reset Class

Class details

May 12, 2023 수강 시작
Beginner Difficulty · Video 3 · Attached file 0
총 0 minutes
Korean voice




Body and Mind Meditation Trainer Lee Joon-hee

  • 17 years of experience as a meditation trainer
  • Brain trainer qualification
  • Private Brain Meditation Instructor Qualification

I have been running a meditation center for over 10 years and have met various members. Many people complain of headaches due to worries and concerns about the future, and are struggling to accept the endless flow of information or to solve problems and many thoughts. I also spent a lot of time worrying and worrying about life in the past. I still remember the feeling of starting my day with a migraine and living constantly preoccupied with something but feeling empty after work. That's how I came across meditation, and the little thoughts that were bothering me shattered like powder one or two, and my negative feelings began to clear up.

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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