
'Return Body Pilates' for Postpartum Moms

10 chapters · 34 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Skills You’ll Learn

Return Body Home Pilates for Recovery

I'll help you restore your tired body and mind to health.

Abdominal muscle double muscle self-check method & recovery exercise

I'll introduce abdominal muscle exercises that are good not only for postpartum moms, but also for all women.

Corrective Pilates for a toned body

Use corrective exercises to balance and balance a broken body

Strengthening the core to balance the body

You can also do strength training exercises for a balanced and beautiful body

Cultivating sustainable exercise habits

Cultivate healthy exercise habits through lifestyle exercises for mothers raising children

A healthy pregnancy period, a proper recovery mother,

and pilates for women

Hello, I'm Chi-i-mom and Tochi Sam, who teaches Pilates.

As a mother of one child and a Pilates instructor, Healthier life than before pregnancyI'm sharing it.

Through the class, I'll tell you about the postpartum exercises I experienced and studied firsthand! I hope many of you have not only a proper recovery, but also sustainable physical fitness, and a healthier line than before.

Postpartum mom, you shouldn't do any exercise.

Do only the exercises you need through professional classes

The joy of childbirth meeting my precious child is also for a moment,

From increased body weight, belly fat, and a larger skeleton There are many people who are worried about their changed body shape, right? Some of you may even experience pain that has never been seen before due to unbalanced posture habits due to breastfeeding and parenting.

I've had a child for ten months and given birth, so it's natural for my body to change. Also, you need to exercise in line with that change. It can ruin your body even more because it's an exercise just for dieting.

Through classes, I learned through experience, such as the exercises I must do and the exercises I should avoid, by looking at my own body I'll tell you everything for post-natal moms!

Exercise for the right body

It even creates a harmonious body line.

임신 & 출산 후 고민들

▶ ︎ Problems during pregnancy and after childbirth

Since I am pregnant, giving birth, and raising children, I am very familiar with the concerns of postpartum moms.

So in my class

  • Recovery and correction
  • Stabilize and strengthen
  • stretching
  • Split workout (quadriceps, pelvic floor muscles, round shoulders, turtle neck, etc.)

Restoring damage caused by pregnancy and childbirth and getting a proper bodyI'll help you make one! If you have the right body, you will naturally be able to get beautiful lines together.

Recovery, correction, and stabilization exercisesIf the foundation of your body is well-groomed, you will be able to create a natural and beautiful body line, and you will be able to last longer without yo-yo.

Just the content you need for busy moms!

Be a healthy mom in body and mind

모유 수유 시 아기를 위한 엄마의 구부정한 자세는 출산으로 약해진 몸의 척추와 어깨, 목, 팔목 등에 부담을 주어 통증을 유발할 수 있습니다.

▶ ︎ When breastfeeding, the mother's bent posture for the baby can strain the spine, shoulders, neck, and wrist of the body weakened by childbirth and cause pain.

출산후 제대로 된 치료나 운동 없이는 벌어진 복직근이 닫히지 않을 수 있습니다.

▶ ︎ Abdominal muscles may not close without proper treatment or exercise after delivery.

There are various concerns depending on the delivery method and postpartum condition, but many people Common concernsI have one.

  1. Back pain caused by moving the center of the body forward during pregnancy
  2. Muscle and joint pain caused by the breastfeeding position
  3. Belly fat that doesn't change even with diet and exercise (rectus abdominis)

The theory I studied while obtaining overseas and domestic postpartum exercise leader certificationsTogether with, I will help you solve your concerns through systematic postpartum exercises:)

일반 복직근 /  임신 후 벌어진 복직근

▶ ︎ Normal abdominal muscles/Abdominal muscles after pregnancy

Unbalanced body shape is a problem that even non-postnatal moms can have. No matter how many years have passed since childbirth, or Also for women who are not postpartum I can do it!

It's not a short-term change in appearance, but a proper recovery, Sustainable stamina, healthy lines, and a body that allows you to enjoy a lifetime of exerciseLet's make it together

Proper recovery is more important than rapid weight loss.

Safely take care of your body at your own pace

Intense exercise or dieting right after giving birth can strain your body. You should check your current condition and exercise accordingly according to your body's recovery speed. Even if it is difficult to check accurately, it is very important to exercise without overdoing it through stable exercise suitable for that time of year.

I'll check my body from time to time through the class and help you exercise according to your condition! Exercising in a timely manner can help you recover from symptoms such as rectus abdominis. Recovery must be preceded so that you can start exercising safely. Don't think impatiently, let's make it solid with me step by step from the inside out.

Foam roller for a healthy body line and pain relief

In addition to stretching and massaging, you can also do strength training!

Foam rollers are the simplest and most effective gadgets you can use at home. Especially after childbirth, I don't have enough time to exercise, and most of them are at home, so it's not easy to massage alone. The foam roller can massage places that are out of reach and is easy to store, so it's easy to take it out and use it frequently. The class with me also includes upper and lower body stretching and massage movements using foam rollers. It will be much more stimulating and cool than doing it with your own body without equipment.

You can also use a foam roller for strength training! It can be used not only for post-workout massages, but also for exercises to assist in exercise or increase intensity. I prepared for the full-body strength training session on the foam roller in the class with high intensity movements. For those who only massaged with a foam roller, you'll be able to experience a different kind of exercise.

Just a few minutes of exercise time just for you

Let's work with me to create an exercise routine that fits my body!

I will set my own workout time and work out with me for about 5 months. Once you get used to all the movements and decide which ones you need to focus on a little more, “My workout routine” that fits my bodyYou'll be able to make it. I'll help you not get lost! Be sure to take the first step in nurturing yourself. A healthier look for tomorrowThis is going to be more exciting and fun

A mother's heart needs courage, even taking time for herself.
It didn't take a minute to cheer for that kind of courage.
Of course, as a postpartum mom to become a healthier mom,
Even those who are preparing to become a mom
To be able to build the right body to hold a healthy baby
A generous selection of Pilates for women.

Fill it properly from the inside,
Eliminate unnecessary parts
The right exercise for your body, let's start with me?

자주 묻는 질문 FAQ_1

▶ ︎ Frequently Asked Questions FAQ_1

자주 묻는 질문 FAQ_2

▶ ︎ Frequently Asked Questions FAQ_2

Class Kit · Coaching Session
What to prepare to double the effectiveness of the class

Required 1. foam roller

It is recommended to use simple gadgets to build a proper body.

The class includes an exercise method using a foam roller.

The foam roller can be used for balance exercises/strength exercises/core exercises/stretching.

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.



Jeong Hyeonjoo

Jeong Hyeonjoo

I didn't know postnatal exercise was so important until I had a baby. The stress on the body after childbirth and the imbalance caused by the wrong posture during parenting make it difficult not only for the body but also for the mind.

With the exercises I studied while going through the postpartum period myself, I can not only recover the right way, but also create consistent physical fitness and a healthier line than before.

It'snever too late! Starting with this postpartum exercise, let's work together to create a body that can exercise for a lifetime, and a body that wants to exercise on its own! Because only when a mother is happy can a child be happy:)



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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