4 chapters · 4 hours 30 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Class introduction

Do you need an aerobic workout that can reliably burn calories all over your body?

For those who are just starting to exercise, we have prepared an aerobic course that will make you sweat even at a low level.

It consists of 4 chapters: upper body/lower body/abdominal/full body, so you can choose and listen to exercises that suit you according to the area you are concerned about.

Course effect

  • Even people who are “beginner” at the exercise level can be stubborn without difficulty.
  • You can selectively listen to lectures for each part you want, and in the case of the whole body, you can divide them into chapters for each day of the week to focus in more detail.

Recommended target

  • People who want to do aerobic exercise at an exercise level (below)
  • People who want to get rid of sweat with light and simple movements

2 reasons why this class is special

❶ A class consisting of exercises that can raise the heart rate and increase the calorie consumption of the whole body

If the difficulty level is low, it hurts a lot if you look at it lightly.

If you follow the course from beginning to end, you'll find yourself dripping sweat all over your body. You can burn calories more effectively if you follow the class using dumbbells.

❷ Desired A class composed of chapters where you can focus on a specific area

When it comes to aerobic classes, there isn't just a full body workout. In addition to organizing a curriculum for the whole body, upper body, lower body, and abdomen, various exercise curricula are organized so that the whole body does not get tired, and provides aerobic exercise for each day of the week.





My habitual mate, Dano

The beginning of a habit to change today

It will be easy and fun with Dano!

'Good habits, perfect day'

Isn't it huge and burdensome?

How about this?

Commitment to try even for a moment

Healthy change starts with a small attempt.

Moments like this pile up, become an attitude, and become a habit

You'll be able to find a better self.

So that your day can be healthy today

Your habit-mate, Dano, will join you!

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